Thursday, August 11, 2011

Chrismas Angel quilt process/tutorial

Took a nap lazy.  Now I am on to this angel quilt for my granddaughter.  Small little tutorial here for making a wonky block.  I took the old blocks and cut 1 and a half inch blue border..put it on to frame the white angel block.  Then I cut a 3 inch second border of the polka dots.  I wanted it to be big enough to cut in a wonky way without too much waste.  At first I thought my 12 and a half inch ruler would work, but ended up using my 10 and a half inch one.
 Here I am putting the 10.5 inch ruler in a wonky way on the block.
A cut around this ruler leaves a block in the cut I like.  Moving the ruler to the right or left will move the block that way.  As you can see in the picture below, the blocks are wonked to the right, left and straight to get the desired look.  My next step will be to take a 2 or 2.5 inch block of blue/red or both and sew it on some of the corners like I do to make a snowball quilt.  That will make an easy center square of sorts.  Maybe lattice or maybe not.  I just love the process.
You can also see that I ran out of the polka dot and had to substitute the white speckles.  It doesn't matter that the polka dot fabric is one year old and the white and red speckles are 25 years old and thus are different tones of red..It is all value and adds more character to the quilt.

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