Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The concussion

I cannot believe I did a post last night...I really must be a blogging junkie...OMG  I had a concussion. With the morning light, I have a black eye, a swollen face, a fanny bruise a swollen leg and hands that are sore...I am dead sure you want to know all this!  Anyway I am fine.  My husband was a saint.  He knew all what to do and took great care of me.  I am so afraid that if I walked in on him unconscious at the foot of the stairs, that I would just pass out right on top of him.  My sewing foot works, but I doubt these sore hands, that must have braced myself, will be sewing today...but maybe...Thank you for listening to my sad but lucky tale!


Bridget said...

Hope you are doing better soon! Have your husband keep an eye on you to ensure you are okay and don't need to go to the hospital!

From a concussion queen.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm glad to hear you haven't lost your sense of humor! Keep that man, he sounds like a good one!

Karen at Birdsong Cabin said...

Oh my! I hope you are resting today and feeling better.

Melissa said...

Glad you are ok, and I agree- What a great husband! I hope your swelling and bruising goes away very soon.

smazoochie said...

Take it easy & be well! What a tumble! -- it could have been so much worse.