Monday, December 6, 2010

Family personality??

Thanksgiving did me in....but I am now myself again...thus my newest post.  I know that you all have family members with personality???  Maybe eccentric??  Highly intelligent??  A bit obsessive??  Anyway, I have just finished below, the Christmas present for my 58 year old brother and his wife.  They have lived in a no-pet apartment for seven years.....with 18 undetected cats...Oh...I can hardly print it....and, the worst thing/ or best thing???-----Is that they just rescued a pregnant mother and now have 4 22, and I am not good in math!!!...So do I condone it??  Did they ask me??   I have decided that, since  it is all out of my control,  I will just try to make them happy.  One year I made 18 small stockings for all their cats with the names on them.  They just loved that present..and really, if truth be known, it took nothing out of me...So now, I have just made the four newest arrivals their stockings...Sigh.  Now, really, I wonder who is going to comment that they come from a normal family...come on,....let me hear it!  Merry Christmas to my dear brother and his dear wife!!!  xxoo  I love you just the way you are:)


  1. oh my goodness. And I think having 4 cats is more than enough in an apartment. eek. cute stockings though!
