Monday, August 20, 2012

Zoey and the absolute misinformation

While I was blogging and the meatloaf was cooling, ZOEY  ATE THE MEATLOAF!!!!!!!
I have never ever ever had a dog steal food before...OMG...I am speechless..  If a person does not need therapy after this.........speechless.


  1. My parents & I had my older brother's dog post-college (my brother's college days not the dogs). I seem to remember that he got into a roast or something -- alas, I can ask neither my father nor my mother for the details. Dogs like meat.

  2. it looks like you have bacon on it and dogs cannot resist bacon!!

  3. She did leave some for you.... :). I am sure she just could not help herself... It looks delicious and I am sure it smells wonderful!

  4. At least you can cut a portion off where Zoey ate and save the rest for the family! When I lived in Ohio I had a several layer taco dip sitting in the middle of the dining room table. My Lhasa climbed the chair to stretch himself across the table lapping up the dip. That was the first time I had ever experienced a pet of mine taking food. The thing was it had smashed beans in the dip and I was so afraid he would get sick! Fortunately he didn't. I hope you have recovered from the incident.
