Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The night....

Tonight I finished three more travel salad bowl covers...That part is good...
 Worked a bit on this....That part is good....
And, then.....I started making gifts...trying out a new tute...Below is a failed Modge Podge project.....of course, being me....instead of trying the new tute on one item before getting more...
...NO NO NO..
I bought 20 of them, only to find out that the tute is a failure for me...Soooo frustrated...
In trying to fix it all....I cut my finger with the rotary cutter....and so...I hate to report...that it has all come down to this:


  1. Oh no!! I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you and your finger.

    I love those travel bowl covers - very cute. Sorry the tute didn't work - did the wine?? :)

  2. sorry about the failure. What was the project?
    your bowl covers are great - wonderful gifts.
    wine, yes, it's the answer.

  3. Your salad bowl covers are so fun and a great idea! Love how your Christmas quilt is going. I hope your finger isn't too bad. We're curious about the project that doesn't work, maybe when you look at it today it might?

  4. oooo i see chickens!!!!!!!!
    (also i don't think that project is worth doing i'm afraid, think you should think of something else!)

  5. Hope that finger is all better now....gad....and all that pretty thread looks fabulous!

  6. Since I just found out about your husband's diagnosis today, I realize I have not read back on your blog in far too long. So, I am reading back. I get to this story and I'm just feeling so badly for you and then this photo and I howled. Sometimes, a person just has to w(h)ine!
