Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tutorial for baby changing mats and etc and etc

The other day life!!  So I have finished 6 baby changing pads for presents.  3 are already spoken for as I am quite behind in presents.

So cute and so easy...Here is the tute:
1 piece of laminate about 25 x 32 inches
1 piece of batting a little larger than above
1 piece of quilting fabric large enough to self bind mat
spray basting can
walking foot
plastic clips for binding/ or clothespins
disappearing marking pen
The metal rod on your machine

Spray batting with adhesive.  Smooth, then trim batting to size of laminate.
Turn over and spray batting again.  Center on backing fabric. Turn over and smooth, turn over and smooth..again.  Measuring the width of the project, mark a line half 16 inches.  Draw a line and stitch that line.  Put the rod in the machine measuring about 2 inches and continue to wiggle stitch the project.  Trim backing at one inch.  Self bind clipping with plastic clips.  Stitch down, trim thread..voila..very very very useful for changing baby just about anywhere. 

Very good thing that I got these done as we are just home now from a difficult two days in the hospital with Mr. O'Quilts.  He had a feeding tube put into his stomach and spent the night in the hospital.  It is quite fine to say that this is an easy operation if it is not your operation!!  He has had a lot of pain.  Today is a bit better and he was able to get out of bed to sit in his motorized wheelchair in his hospital gown to watch some tennis on TV.  Now comes the learning curve for the family on how to clean the wound, how to do the feeding with the formula down the tube, how to rinse the tube, etc.
Etc.  is the word lately.  This all ain't easy.
However, sew on my friends.  My man hates hovering so we have to do it on the sly..Good thing my sewing room is right next to his..


  1. A big bundle of hugs to you all! Your changing mats are such a great gift idea, thanks for the handy tutorial.

  2. Sew cute!!!! You amaze me with all you can get done. You are always in my prayers :)

  3. these are such a wonderful idea!!!
    sorry to hear bout mr O -
    sending you good thoughts and prayers.
