Saturday, July 15, 2017

Post and Pain and Potluck covers

Here is the picture of the original jelly roll top that I cut up for the four smaller quilt tops I just finished..posted the last few times..  I made this June, a year ago, when I was in the nursing home recovering from my first replacement surgery.. Jelly Roll Race Tutorial from Missouri Star
, I got a grip tonight...and from a sitting position, I cut pot-luck cover tops
 (tute on  my blog)
and rip-stop backings...all ready for sewing when I feel like it.
Sewing of course with my left foot.
Once they are sewn, another sit down project will be threading the elastic.
After these, I will start on the plastic grocery bag holders for the pantry.
Teachers should like those. Then maybe the tissue covers and the hand warmers..
Then the potholders...I am ready in mind, when the body says GO!

Praying for strength as I await my fourth operation in 14 months...My right hip has deteriorated so badly and so quickly  that I now need a cane in the house.
I am in so much pain, which brings me to tears..
 I am afraid I will fall.and ruin my new shoulder...
Complete hip replacement surgery scheduled for August 7, but I am so trying to get a cancellation to have it earlier.
I never thought I would be eager for an operation.  Crazy life. 
I called  the surgeon's PA...but all she told me was to rest.and take meds as prescribed ....
To stay off my feet...OMG..quite discouraging..
I can only sleep downstairs in my recliner...
So, there I am...Old Grandma O'Quilts with two cats and a dog..doing the best I can.
My son came by yesterday..  He has just started Methadone again and feels a bit better.
He did some repairs around the house and spent nice time with his children.
I was so happy to be with him.

My friends are all again on vacation and carrying on with their it should be...
No one can do anything for me anyway...
So, I have taken to writing letters to my dear man, online 
It is helpful!!!!
 Because I know he would understand and love me so.
He would let me whine and just give me a hug..


  1. Oh my, you are getting prepared for days ahead and holiday gifts. Good for you! I know the feeling about begging to have an operation early and praying for cancellation. My second total hip replacement was the same. But, ah...after the (quite speedy) recovery, the pain is GONE! Medicine is amazing these days...imagine what our grandmothers had to endure. Well, you will get there. Try to listen to the PA and rest when you are able. I love that jelly roll race idea...making and then cutting. That was one of my first quilts (for my grandson who loves it). Sending a big hug. I always look forward to your posts. Your sense of humor is "unsinkable." ;-)

  2. If your experience is like my husband's, I think your recovery from hip surgery will be easier than it was for your knee. Here's hoping, anyway. Glad your son is feeling better and able to help around the house.

  3. I'm with you, Diane. I appreciate you sharing this way. It's so good your son is back on the methadone, and that he and the kids coan be together. May he hang in, do the work, be there for you and the kids and himself.

    Walk undistracted, carefully!

    All the best. . . .

  4. Diane, you do amazing things. Prepping projects for when you will be able to sew again. Good for you!! Praying that all goes well for you with your son and your surgery.

    Here on the farm we were blessed with a Friday afternoon rain (the Cotton Farmer says the best kind--he gets the day off to catch up on yard work, etc).

    Will send a couple of photos of recent quilt projects. I love seeing your works!

  5. So good to see that you are so organised with making Christmas gifts already - wish I was!!
    I'm keeping fingers crossed that you can have a cancellation for your surgery - sooner done, better for you I think, but you may just have to carry on for three more weeks. I have a friend who has had both hips replaced and made a very good recovery - she followed the surgeon's instructions to the letter.
    I was so pleased that your son visited and helped around the house, hoping he can stay on the programme now. I know you are doing the best you can, that's all you can do, all any of us can do and before you know it you'll be back home with a new hip getting up to all sorts of sewing!

  6. good luck with the surgery - hope it bring some relief
