Sunday, August 27, 2017

Let the Sewing Begin...

My Wednesday night group helped me put together the flower pens.
From the dollar store came the pens, the flowers and the floral tape.
The children had a great time giving these out at open house to this year's teachers
and last year's teachers...We left some on the secretary's fun.
I am getting hives from stress. and from this hip situation..
Going outside, I was able to have the attitude adjustment so needed.
Pinning the tissue holders.... tute from Skip to my Lou
Working on holiday gift giving now in August..
Gotta make good use of my recovery  time..
 Taking in Mr.O'Quilt's roses and of course his bluebird house.
 My sister loves me...more of my favorite flowers.
 The daily drama from our Lynsey
Bringing home lice from camp...We all had the fun today of de-licing the place!!
This girl is 8..She told me to get into the shower and she would do my hair
like her mother had done hers..
She read the instructions to me and proceeded.
Wow...I raised her allowance to $4 a week..
Love that smart.

Grateful my sister brought me chocolate ice cream with jimmies..
Thank you sister!!!
School starts tomorrow.
Buses come at 7:15
At 9:00  Ten friends with ten sewing machines bring joy and laughter
to my house....a Sit and Sew..


  1. Thank you for my morning smile! I marvel at how much love surrounds Mrs. O-Quilts and I send my love, too. Happy first day of all!

  2. Oh, those kiddos! Always something going on :) and quick-witted to boot! and now you should be sewing and chatting away ~ ~ I can almost hear the hum of voices and machines. It's a lovely picture and sound. Enjoy your day to the fullest.
