Thursday, July 4, 2019

That Holiday Feeling

My favorite 4th..quilts:
Above my computer...the vintage hexies I appliqued for a flimsy
still unfinished.
Scraps put into strippy quilts...Of course I forgot to display this year.

Here I am, making blocks for my veteran wheelchair quilt outreach.
Meanwhile in  Portland...Rosie and the flag.
My girl and her man and her dog...camping for the 4th...
Portland strong...

Trying to figure the celebration of the Fourth of July as I sit here alone.
With great inspiration from my friend, Kathylynn, I decided to make my own celebration.
This consisted of a Nathan  hot dog and some watermelon...a good book outside under the tree...and chocolate ice cream in 7 my mother taught me.
I was working on a good frame of mind.
So far so good...a big shout out to Kathylynn and Sherry and the 3 hour very fun dinner last night. son was gone in the morning and evening.  During the afternoon He fixed the handle in my car, a chair in my sewing room, the dishes and laundry.
.I am so grateful for him.and for his friends who helped make his recovery possible.

When he leaves...and the children are gone....,
 black desperation comes sneaking in...I am missing my man so much.

 I refused to watch television today..
.I way prefer laughter and family and bar-be-cue to military displays.

This knee replacement operation triggered fury, despair and grief... not so good...ugh...

My knee is healing nicely...tomorrow PT and the pool.
I am grateful that.....
With the dawn comes a clearer light.

PS....Our dear Michele...Is going thru a tough time now.
With Hearts and Hands...
She deserves some love and support...xoxoxo

PS  PS   My son just came home and saw me so sad..
We went outside and  LOOK...Sparklers!!!!....My favorite..



  1. Your vintage hexies are beautiful - I love how you have set them.

  2. Love you dear dear occasionally grumpy ok maybe a lot friend.
    You make me laugh, you make me cry. Ok... you let it all fly out love pain,loss. Kindred spirits shared.
    Hugs hugs...avoiding the knee very very carefully.🌱🍃🌱

  3. So, mixed feelings for you over the holiday. The home does feel quiet and empty when your children/grandchildren are not there but you did exactly the best thing and created your own celebration - good for you!! I'm happy to read the news that your knee is improving, these things all take time and the older we become the longer it seems to take. I shall go visit Michele's blog, Keep smiling.
