Monday, April 22, 2024

Grandma Stays Sunnyside Up

 Joy from Portland:  Almost hard to choose which is more beautiful, the lilacs or Aoife...Almost!!!  But, the choice is clear.

Mary Jerz has finished quilting my plaid hourglass quilt.. Plaids collected from forever ago.
The shot cotton on the back shows off Mary's great longarm quilting.
In other quilty process:  my latest scrap top effort

Bored with it all, I found some batik cuts...enough to start a baby quilt top.

Sally Catoe lives down the hall from me.  She has a small jewelry business making earrings.
I do not wear large earrings like these.  But, with a small ring, I can wear the quilty ones as a pendant.

Grandma O'Quilts turned on the TV news for the first time since she has moved here.. Although the news often gives me a stomach ache, I now have Peacock.
As you can see, I have turned it toward the sewing machine area so I can press and be informed all at the same time.

I love using bag bags like this...but have never  thought of  using these...old linen calenders!!! From the "Sewing " blog.

Life seems to be like a rollercoaster.  I received a text from my son the other night saying he loved me and he was OK...A huge relief!!
A cold storm came through last usual...the storm before the calm??
Since I am full of arthritis, I am a fall risk.and can no longer safely putter outside.  Friends came by today to revamp my patio garden.  I gave them full range to do what they wanted...Well...almost full range...They love gardening and I love being taken care of.  Win-win.
Today, I celebrate the good stuff 


  1. Terrific post! Love the smile and lilacs in the first photo. Love the view of your stash too. Yes, being taken care of feels so good.

  2. Grateful to know that Eamon texted you. Not easy on a Mother's heart to carry such deep worry for him. May he be getting better and better again 🙏 🤞🙏

  3. Lovely photo of Aoife with the lilac, she looks such a honey!

  4. Oh, your granddaughter is just adorable. The lilacs are luscious. I love your quilt finishes, good for you!
