Tuesday, October 11, 2022


Only a grandma would go gaga over a two year old.....

Carol and Tom came to visit from Kansas City....just passing through to see friends and family.
Joy, pure joy, lifted my spirit with a generous lunch at  Kabab-je, shared news, saw my new place...so wonderful...And, she seemed to know what I love!!!!!! Look at the awesome African prints..I cannot wait to cut them up....a basket maybe?
Carol is a quilter with great design and color sense..

For some odd reason, out of the blue arrived Pearl...Jeeze Louize.  She reminded me of all I had lost and ones I still love with serious illness..  I have a great support system.. but she snuck in when I was not looking. I was fighting with her all day.  The common expression of, "be positive", does not work with grief. It just makes it worse to have folks pass judgement.

My car broke.  On driving to the mechanic with worse case scenarious in my head....Dear Michael fixed it by replacing the batteries in the fobs....OMG

My wonderful physical therapist is trying to make me do something I cannot do.
I am supposed to practice standing on one foot...OMG OMG  It just makes me feel like an old failure!!
I wobble and wobble and he just says keep on keeping on.

I Facetimed my daughter.  Aoife will not speak to me other than.."shoo Nana"  Nice 2 year old behavior.

Here is the family on one of their many nature trips in Oregon.
Looking at the waterfall and the size of little Aoife, makes me stop to consider the power of nature and how insignificant we are.

With my electric Accuquilt, squares from Halloween fabric.

From my garden window, the clouds and changing trees.
Taking my crabby self to bed now.
I am leaving my back door cracked so Pearl  can get out.
She is never here at the morning light  xoxo



Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Standing on one foot is HARD! And then sometimes they say to do it with your eyes closed. Disaster waiting to happen. I'm sure I could do it when I was younger but can't understand why they want older people to do it. What is the benefit?

Teresa said...

Oh my goodness- that smile is enough to melt anyone’s heart

Rosa said...

Keep trying with balance exercises. It can help reduce falls! Sucks to struggle with physical exercises, I know. I'm trying to get back to even walking any distance after 2 years of pandemic inactivity. Reminds me of being the failing fat kid in middle school P.E. class many, many years ago. But we persist. That is our strength! Maybe Pearl needs a cup of tea and a brownie and a sympathetic ear-or to have you kick her butt out the door (which will be easier to do with better balance!).

Mystic Quilter said...

Oh that's a hard one, one foot balancing is not at all easy, but keep practising. You have a spirit lifting view from your garden window, hoped it help Pearl leave the room!!