Saturday, July 27, 2024

Self Care

That mind -body connection tells me that I must take care of myself.  This pinched nerve in my hip area is killing me as I struggle to walk pain-free.  Thinking today to let go of all my commitments in order to relax.

Today, that meant for me....go to the pool and exercise the joints..... Sit in the Bistro here, with a glass of water....joined by friends of the same political pursuasion as I am.....a chat for two hours.

 Sitting outside on this lovely, breezy day finishing this important historical book.

Sewing is my favorite meditation...especially scrap potholders...Here are some tops I made.for gifting when finished.

Adjusting a shirt I had in the wings waiting for the fix......  All with the door wide open, protected by the screen...Enjoyiing the the breeze and Placido Domingo on Alexa.

I have left all the sorting and mundane to Monday.  Tomorrow will be a day of rest as well...after my friend's birthday breakfast.

I am pain free while sitting...such a relief...Seems like age is upon me and each day a new ailment...

Joy is living here in the lap of luxury

Joy is accepting life on life's terms.

Yesterday out of the blue a friend handed me these flowers to spread joy .

It worked...

(PS...I also ate some cookie-dough)  Do not tell my grands as they think I am way too old for that  vice!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Day Named Tuesday

Happy 4th birthday to our Aoife in Oregon..
Enjoying the rainbow cake her mommy made her.

Dylan, age 14, showing off the muscles he has earned working construction with his stepfather.

A treat for Grandma...A tiny sewing machine with a clip on the top.  Perfect for holding checks for the cleaning lady or memos for myself.

Someone is sewing!!  Done last night are 3 string bags for gifts.. easy peasy and fun to make.
The recepient of my Marse Derse quilt has requested a black backing...
I cannot do boring;  gotta do fun.

Messed up here with a pinched nerve in my adductor muscle.  PT made me cry again as they manipulated the space to try to stretch out the muscles.  I have not been able to walk without pain all day.  Finally, two Tylenol, three glasses wine, a nap and deep breathing...I feel better...a bit.  A visit from my sister with tons of help, made it better too...TLC
My sister's 37 year old autistic daughter with ovarian cancer is in remission...Thank God!!

Thunder and lightening tonight was bright and loud.  I, however felt safe and cozy in my apartment with my flashlight and my fabric.

Life is indeed crazy.  With all the things in the world to go wrong....a pinched nerve has me down.
Tomorrow, for sure, a better day.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Thankful Sunday

Nine years after the loss of my love, I found some plaid snippets of his shirts.   My own new potholder, in process...missing my man.

Tonight I made some bags from yesterday's tute....After making the pattern and trying out one, the others go by in a snap.
Last time Emily visited me, we made matching ironing hams...Using the fox ham below, I pressed my bags.

Today started out delightfully....I excercised in our awesome pool for an hour, made my  bed, took a shower and was on my way to lunch when I fell... Jeeze Louize!!!  How and why, I have no clue.  One minute I was happily walking...and using the durn walker, when I found myself on the floor with the walker on top of me.. TBTG I wear that wrist button...and in minutes 3 good looking young men were here to lift up the old lady. They helped me to my chair, put ice on my knees, gave me water....So kind and so safe were they..I gave them all potholders!!!!!
.Big gratitude here...I broke nothing, just some knee bruising.  What I did not like was that they called my daughter in Portland to share the news of my fall...Jeeze I am in an  independent apartment...How insulting to bother my girl.  To save her is why I moved she could have a life of her own without worrying about dear ol' Ma.

A friend brought me lunch. and before I knew it my Lynsey was here for her visit after work. She is such a good girl....not easy, but wonderful none the less. She made cookies tonight.  I sewed and she did TikTok...Great company she is.
Two friends dropped by.and I chatted with my midnight caller..All is well...grateful, very...very grateful.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Fun Sewing

Tonight's sewing: Drawstring bag..
A card playing friend of mine wanted a bag for her Rummikub tiles.  She asked for her politically favorite fabric...
I decided to fine tune a pattern so I could whip up more if asked.  reversible string bag
This was my choice...I loved this tute..
Politics????  Voila!!!  So glad I had this fabric...
Her favorite team:

The way the strings go in is genius...easy peasy...I cannot wait to make more.
There is a new member of our complex who used to own a bead shop.  She has donated tons of beads.  Tomorrow, I will go to see her collection.  I would love some cute beads for the strings..
Look at the flowers from Trader Joe's that lasted longest:  Impatiens.
As a woman of excess, I am proud to show you my new colors for rope bowls...arrived today!!
Some folks just LOVE their dogs....Here we have Aoife celebrating her dog, Rosie's 6th birthday...

Great day...pool swim, lunch with friends, apartment cleaning lady came, my hairdresser came to my patio to cut my hair...
sewing, reading outside.  I am so glad I have my lovely sewing apartment
A chat with my midnight friend...
Soon climbing into clean sheets...sigh...Life can be good....really good!!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Lovin' the Good Stuff

Marcia Derse fabric/ Jeni Baker pattern..African fabric border finally on.....

Below is our Aoife, a few weeks till age 4...A dress made by her mother from Liberty of London fabric.

In preperation for the rope bowl demonstration, Monday, July 8, I made the final example.
I usually use batik so the fabric will not fray.  This bowl used regular fabric scraps....amazing...I love the fraying.
Making rope bowls is so very relaxing..  As I prepare examples, I am learning new techniques.

Voila my bound plaid quilt...Mary Jerz did a  great quilting job....there  is nothing like a binding to help a quilter feel warm fuzzies.
Shot cotton on the backing is so very soft.

 Pakistani camel skin lamps  I have posted my  lamps before.  Now I found an online link:

Without family and beauty and making and adductor muscles would hurt much much worse when I walk.
Lovely lunch out today with friends....all of whom hurt somewhere...!!  Age, you know.......
When I am in pain like this....all I want is sugar...
I have ransacked the apartment and all I can find is some old marshmallows.
Going to start a new project instead.