Monday, August 26, 2024

The Learning Curve

 Dearest Dylan started 9th grade today...Sigh...I love him so.

In order to  contribute to politics, I was asked to make bags to carry pamphlets for folk's door handles in the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, none can be considered a masterpiece.  So many things went wrong.  I ordered the bags online as well as the detachable shoulder handles...and embelleshed them best I could.  They were delivered the political folks...Alas, no one seems embarrassed by them but  me.

The shoulder straps were requested...Online again....I got them, but I had never added these loops.
Big mistake cutting the seatbelt like fabric in half to fit the rings...It frayed terribly.  UGLY!!!  Finally I found my Fray Check, but by then, the bags were made and Fray Check did not make much of a difference.  Always learning......

A big thanks to Rachel for tonight's rescue.  She picked me up through all the traffic and her far away home to take me to dinner.  In spite of my painful hip-impingement, I chose to go instead of staying home to feel sorry for self.  Great to have a friend like Rachel!!

She saved me when I needed it most!!

New readers came today.  I am absolutely obsessed with new readers....Especially online when they are such a cheap thrill.

I must have 35 pairs...all hidden and lost under fabric and such....Plus who knows what kind of day it will be....Bright yellow or red flowers....Small joys in life.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Just Living my Life...

 Dear me....August 4, 2024, Carol Lyles Shaw died at the age of 75.  I remember her speaking at our guild....and now, she too, is gone.

Making more tissues to give away to friends and sad folks around here.

My 7 7  year old neighbor had a bad fall...As a former Navy officer, I felt he would heal better with a Navy washcloth.
I sent a message...a washcloth to heal....two rice bags for the freezer and a selection of children's bandages...all military approved for the elderly retired ones....So much fun...I am sure it is helping him recover...
This is an old tool of my grandmother's....I use it at my machine to tuck fabric in and fix corners....Does anyone know what it really is for?

While being involved in political television, I started on my donation to the cause...Enhancing 4 bags for folks to canvass...pockets here for a cell phone and more...pamphlets inside...I just started tonight.  4 Ibuprofen , two glasses of wine and I can actually walk without screaming...progress..  Tomorrow...PT  yuck and cards and relaxing....reading and sewing...a very good living of the life.  Today, the weather was beautiful.!!!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Tears and Joy

                                                                                                                   Sad news is:  Freddy Moran died August 13, 2024 at the age of 94.  She was one of my very very favorites.

Good news is that my girl and I had a wonderful visit. She stayed 4 perfect days , She left this afternoon and is now home with her family again in Oregon.
We sewed together and watched the British Sewing Bee...She has some link to it that I could never find myself.
What have I been sewing?

I have finished making this backing for my Marcia Derse quilt.  The recipient asked for a black backing.

The chicken blocks are up on the design wall...Of course I cannot find the cream fabric with the chicken wire....Dear me, in my clutter, I  have looked everywhere....(chicken pattern is from Slice of Pi blog.)

Rather than stay at home and pout with my hip impingement, I am walking thru the pain as suggested by my physical therapist...
Nothing is working!!!

I am a failure at aging gracefully.....but I have not given up...
Not suffering in silence is more my speed.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Love, a Sunday in July

Jar Opener (Ruth fabric from Spoonflower)

A gift for a friend whose operation went awry
My mother taught me to think of others.

Japanese knot bag number two.
Refining the bag, making it

Gifts that help me feel loved.
The cat pincushion Emily brought me from Thailand
The angel Betty made me for my operation last year.


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Hello Debbie

 Somethings have to be borne alone...but painful physical therapy can be helped with my new weighted teddy bear.

I go back on Friday and teddy will be with me.

I sewed my label on the back of his I can claim him as my own.

Today's sewing includes Japanese knot bag.

Sherry helped I have now cut out the next fabric, I will put it into my own memory.

The good day today....quilting friends visits:  Sherry, Linda and my sister...all helping me in many ways...especially support...and laughs and fun and sewing ideas.  Quick chats and visits from friends here...Friendly texts...A small....I mean, small...bit of organizing..

Now we, in Charlotte, are waiting for the remains of  Debbie.  Hopefully, we will have just rain and not much flooding or wind.  In precaution, we took down the blue bottles on my bottle tree.

I am looking forward to a sleep in , with the sound of the rain on my window...all safe and cozy. xo

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Thank God for Friends and Family

My family in Portland:  Our four year old with her mommy, checking out the chickens.  Will they get cats or chickens/???

With the awesome oil cloth fabric Eithne bought me in Ireland forever ago, I have made two cat pouches with Velcro.
These can  hold playing cards, little toys, anything actually and I love them so much.  Look at the little tabs I bought on sale a while back.  So cute!!

My girl took a flower/fabric class with her friend the other day...
Pressing flowers from  her own garden onto pre-treated fabric.
Potholders continue to fly out the door as everyone is so very nice here...Just finished these 6:

So much fun to incorporate the saved selvedges.

I swear being old is like being in the amusement park or the circus!!!!!  Everyday, something new.
This morning PT on my  painful adductor muscles that hurt when I walk.  Torture.
The PT told me that their favorite saying is:
Is it better to negotiate with a terrorist or a therapist???
The answer of course is a terrorist is more forgiving..

Spent the night in pain; spent the morning in massage and heat and electrodes at PT.
I felt so much better that tonight I decided to sweep the kitchen floor for my friends tomorrow.
I know that they say they come to visit me, not my apartment....However....
This is the last time I  try that, as the broom and pan are on the floor still.

  I lost my balance without the cane and fell.
Lucky me caught myself on the kitchen sink, not on the floor.  I am sore but graterful...
The reality of being ancient is becoming more present in my mind...and all the new challenges every day.
My kitchen floor is still dirty; I have nothing broken on my body.

The days are going so fast...The summer is almost over...Unbelievable.  Every day I sit outside on my patio and read.  Today, I finished a great book called, HORSE.  
Tomorrow, I start a new , overdue library of Hazel Gaynor's, I think.

My daughter comes to visit me next week for a few days.  Grateful...Very...She always lifts my spirits and she loves to sew.
She is just a terrific 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

An August Day for Grandma O'Quilts.

Today's bargain from "Goods to Go", our little in-house store here.
I am crazy about baskets!!
Aoife cloned!!!  My girl figured out  how to do this kind of clever!!
Aoife, age 4. missing my grandgirl  in pigtails from kindergarten...Alas, here she is, first day of 10th grade...age 15 and a half.

Grandma O'Quilts had a brilliant idea.  I ordered stick-on magnets on Amazon, as a way to keep my earrings in order.
Oh, my.....

Not so smart, Grandma....look at the ones which will not connect to a magnet...Who would have known???

Guess I need to go on Pinterest to see more ideas for storing earrings... Organization is so not my skill.
Today's fun...exercise in the pool, long lunch with friends, some sewing...and reading...guess it is the life of the retired one.
I am getting adjusted to this new life.
However, in the late hours of the night, I miss my son so much.  Last time I heard from him was Mother's Day.  He was not doing so that time...Oh, a mother's broken heart...xoxoxoxoxo