Friday, April 14, 2023

To My Dear Husband

 You  have been gone 8 years today...Finally, I am getting a grip and starting to live the life you told me about, when you were leaving.  Letting go of  yesterday to make a different today, is a tough haul.  But,  you told me to just go sew, and I am doing that.

You were the string to my  kite.  Surprisingly, you still are..I am grateful.  You told me that I was too old to raise children, but I did it anyway.  God and you....gave me the strength.

Here is my new garden.  Friends and family help me tend it.

I am celebrating survival by messing around with my Marcia Derse fabric..

You remember that times when I was sad and told me to just buy fabric...(Ha Ha Ha) Just kidding.....Today it came..a blessing from you....My fabric collecting heart beats quickly.

My Charlotte family remembered today with prayers that touched my heart....
The rest of the world's strangers,  kept going without missing a beat!! An odd life.
You live inside me now.  Last night I went to a lecture here.  I  so wanted to share  ideas with  you.
The housekeeper from the Congo told me awhile back that my job was to be joyful and grateful and that God took care of the rest.  Everytime I see her, I smile.

I never dreamed that I would ever feel again that we walk together....It took 8 years. Now you, in peace are with me again.

Once again, I publish my journal, for all the world to see.  I feel loved.

ps.  Someone put  my machine in my car trunk  so I will be ready for Sit and Sew tomorrow.  My lunch is packed, my sewing ready.  So excited, post Covid to see everyone again...xoxoxo


Mystic Quilter said...

Your heartfelt words here have moved me to tears Diane. Beautifully said. Enjoy your day at sit and sew.

Charlotte M. said...

I am so happy you have reached this place of peace. So wonderful for you. Enjoy your sit and sew.

Joye with an e said...

It's wonderful to read that you are so peaceful and accepting. May every day hereafter improve! Have a ball at the sewing day.

shoshu said...

Diane, from afar, i send you love and caring. when someone we love/need, leaves, it leaves a hole in our lives that we are constantly falling into as we pass by each moment, and then slowly slowly, the hole doesn't go away, be we learn to walk by and not fall in. wishing for you many more moments of joy, not from under, but from on top. shoshana

http://thankfullga447 said...

I am so glad you posted grieving takes time and my sister's partner is having difficulty. We are going to mass tomorrow and I think that might help him.