Tuesday, May 28, 2024

And the Time Goes Where???

June first is my wedding anniversary.  We would have been  married 44 years if ALS had not stolen him 9 years ago.

Tonight I finished this top...either a wheelchair quilt or a cuddle quilt.  My sister picked out the border...Thank you Charmaine...She has a wonderful sense of  color.
When I had my home, I would have paid big bucks for these pink depression glasses.
The color does not show here....I have a one bedroom apartment with fabric galore, ...no room for glasses....
However, in our little store, I found them for $2 each.. I bought two, just cuz I could not leave them behind.
These were difficult to photograph.

I have been arguing with Pearl because I am in pain when I walk.  Evidently the hip adductors need stretching and they do not get that by sewing or reading on the porch...jeeze louize!!  Well, I turned on the news.  It was so crazy I had to  laugh..Laughing is poison to Pearl...so the night ended well...Looking forward to friends tomorrow..  Tomorrow I will cut a backing and batting for this quilt.  Adding to 4 projects in line for quilting or bindings...never mind the 6000 in my head or cut in boxes...I cannot afford to spend time with Pearl.
I  have way too much sewing to do.
Voila...in process:


1 comment:

Linda Swanekamp said...

Lovely quilts! Pearl needs to constantly get the heave-ho. It is amazingly how tenacious she is. There are simple exercises for the hips that keep them from jamming up, I am sure your PTs can tell you. Sad about the anniversary time. Always love your color choices.