Wednesday, December 11, 2024

A Holiday season : Week Two

Grandma O'Quilts is still potholder crazy.
Tree potholder process below.  I think I will sew a little button on top for a star.
I sew love my electric Accucutter!!!
I could not let these scraps go by.....

Good use for my cat cut outs..,

Today, I got  my first shot for losing weight.  I am still alive...
It has been 12 hours and I have not yet lost any weight and my joint pain still flares.
Friends gathered at lunch for a very fun "shot" support group,.
I am so very lucky!!

I had the medication, the needles and the instructions from the pharmacy.
The mean nurse here insisted that I learn to give myself the shot....No way!!!
She said if I did not learn, she would charge me $27.  I told her that I would pay the money

The nurse got meaner.  She insisted...So today was my first lesson in giving myself a shot....OMG
I am waiting for the awful side effects that google told me about.......waiting....

Tomorrow I just may put away my box of Christmas and Hannukah fabric.
I should do it before I get holiday potholder- making crazy,  out
 of control!!!

It has been rainy and cold here in Charlotte...brrr.
I, however, am snug as a bug by my sewing machine.



Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I don't think I would like that mean nurse.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Sorry about the shots. I won't do it. Lost trust in the whole medical field through all my suffering. Love your Christmas fabric magic.