Tuesday, May 28, 2024

And the Time Goes Where???

June first is my wedding anniversary.  We would have been  married 44 years if ALS had not stolen him 9 years ago.

Tonight I finished this top...either a wheelchair quilt or a cuddle quilt.  My sister picked out the border...Thank you Charmaine...She has a wonderful sense of  color.
When I had my home, I would have paid big bucks for these pink depression glasses.
The color does not show here....I have a one bedroom apartment with fabric galore, ...no room for glasses....
However, in our little store, I found them for $2 each.. I bought two, just cuz I could not leave them behind.
These were difficult to photograph.

I have been arguing with Pearl because I am in pain when I walk.  Evidently the hip adductors need stretching and they do not get that by sewing or reading on the porch...jeeze louize!!  Well, I turned on the news.  It was so crazy I had to  laugh..Laughing is poison to Pearl...so the night ended well...Looking forward to friends tomorrow..  Tomorrow I will cut a backing and batting for this quilt.  Adding to 4 projects in line for quilting or bindings...never mind the 6000 in my head or cut in boxes...I cannot afford to spend time with Pearl.
I  have way too much sewing to do.
Voila...in process:


Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day

This is the story I posted on Instagram this morning....hope I get it all here as I cannot even find my own post.
John Henry Washington Newton Burt was the  man who raised me  

He was from rural Alabama, town of Greenville.
He lied about his age and joined the Air Force at age 16.  He had an 8th grade education.  The Air Force gave him the opportunity to get his GED and trained him to be an airplane mechanic.  He was an Air Force lifer until he got orders to go to Viet Nam....He retired then, as he had already served in the Korean War. My mother met John Henry when he was stationed at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona.  She was working on that base as well, in the OSI.  They married when I was 10.  It started our travel to Europe,  We lived in Chaumont, France for one year and in Lakenheath England for two.  Then  back to Luke Air Force Base as my mother loved Arizona.  I went to high school in Phoenix and undergraduate school at Arizona State..Once I worked for Pan Am, I took my parents to Greece and Italy.  John Henry stayed buckled in his seat the entire flight...Who would have  known that this  Air Force veteran was afraid of flying.  He loved my mother, so he traveled for her.
Today's Memorial Day celebration includes my father:
John Henry....a very good man!!!


Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Day at the End of May

 A lovely view from my patio this evening.

More potholders...I just love love  love to make potholders.  A small quilty thing with color and design to give away to folks who need cheer around here.  A  potholder without a binding is the same as a quilt without a binding...Color and design, the binding just gives the perfect finish.
Here they are in a basket on the wall by the door.  All first time visitors choose one for themselves...So wonderful to see folks carefully do their selecting. I probably have 15 ready  now...

May is going quickly...I mean, it is almost gone...Dear me...
Just posting tonight to share with all my friends...nothing special.
Still struggling here with hip adductor pain.  Wonderful PT folks just down the hall to help me.
Honest to God, I thought I would beat the aging angst...special me!!  Jeeze  Louize..!!  So wrong I was.

Instead of fighting reality, I am joining in now with others... My body may be betraying me, but my mind  is sharp  TBTG
My pride aside, I have learned the card game of Hand and Foot.
My ego did not want to play cards with the elderly.  Then I found that several were younger than I am...
Enjoying myself, inspite of myself.

Our library is 5 minutes from my apartment..Reading historical novels outside in the fresh air,  is one of my  favorite things.
I am so lucky and so grateful for those who surround me with love and support.

My racing mind has 4  new quilts to start and several in progress...yet I just sit here not doing much at all.
Then I get an attitude adjustment....That is just not so.  I went to an hour of exhausting PT,  took a nap, played 2 hours of cards, sat in the yard reading my new novel, met a friend for dinner.  I am so expecting more of  myself than my energy allows.
So good night from Charlotte.....It is almost one am...Hopefully I said nothing outlandish in this midnight hour.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Just a Lovely Day in Charlotte

Today's finishes:  50 pocket tissue packs.  By August, I usually have 100 made for  the holidays...This year, I think 50 is just fine.
Sally is a jewelry artist....She took a cliping from a quilt magazine and decoupaged it on a piece of wood...I just  love it.
Finished  two potholders today....The panel of chocolate sayings is  very popular in potholder gifts.

We have a store here called "Goods to Go"  Donated items for sale.  Money goes to help folks pay the rent when they run out of money.  This ACTS community  has promised never to tell a resident to  leave because of money.
Look what I found today for $2 each...me thinks it is depression ware....

My husband is so wonderful...Our anniversary is June first .  He always sends me fabric to make me happy...He is quite  the bargain shopper!!!  Thank you honey...I love you so!!!

That is today's news...Of  course there is always lunching with a friend or two and reading a  book on my porch.


 These pictures have been posted already...I think...but memories are good.

Last year, Mac Barnes was only 19 when his work landed on the cover of this German quilt magazine. So very proud of him 

I took this quilt out for my bed last night.  I fell in love with it all over again

Aoife and her pre-school friend....brunch at Aoife's house...both girls in their party dresses...

Aoife raised right....napping on fabric.

My loves, 11 years ago...ages 3, 4 anad 7...started karate..and loved it...They went all the way to black belts.
The midnight hour here....A friend just told me that the sewing bee was cancelled for tomorrow...I am disappointed for sure...I was all packed and ready.

However, today was a good and busy day:
A quick celebration of Mental Health Month.. lunch here with friends, a sewing group, an impromptu visit by inhouse friends in my apartment.  Now, I am eating a chocolate with almonds treat...the midnight hour takes away all my inhibitions. and my common sense.
I read two historical novels this past  weekend...all outside on my patio.  Hazel Gaynor is a lovely writer...I have enjoyed several of her novels
Sewing has consisted of potholders, tissue holders for staff and organizing....Amazing the treats I find when organizing.  I cut some scraps with my electric Accuquilt..This past month I have started 6 new sewing projects...plenty more are in my head.
I do not see my family very much...all are busy with their own families...TBTG I have made friends here now...so grateful...
Plans for tomorrow...: exercise in our pool, more sewing room organizing, potholder sewing and reading on the porch...Sounds totally relaxing to me. I wish I had something new to show you......Maybe next time...... 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Just the Way it is...

Soothing my mind with potholder craze...How fun is this one with Sara Watts selvedge.

Twelve tops ready to quilt...I think I live in potholder city.. I am stressed and it so therapeutic.

My DIL loves to bake...Look at the lemon trifle she made for mother's day with her own grandmother's recipe!!!

My girl is a great photographer...sending lovely pictures of Aoife as she goes with her mommy who plays in the all women Irish Ceili band in Portland.  I made each of my grandchildren a bag like this with their name on it...

Love a child who can care for themselves...Tired???  Just go to sleep!!! Yay Aoife.

Going to sleep is on my agenda too...Think I might just sleep in my clothes tonight too..
On Mothers' Day, I heard from all of my family and friends too...Joy and lucky me.


Friday, May 10, 2024

A Bump, or Two

Aoife in Portland picking wildflowers.
A bird on my fence.  It had white and brown speckles on its tummy.
What is the name???  I do not know..
The extent of my sewing:  potholder beginings with some scraps.

Monday, I fell in physical therapy.  He had the safety belt on me and was setting the timer, when impulsive me took off without permission and fell.  My  PT softened the fall by grabbing my arm.  He felt terrible...It was my fault. No one can save me from myself!!!
I injured my tailbone...Pain..ugh, light headedness
Monday, I was supposed to teach a rope bowl class, but had to cancel it as I cannot twist and focus on my sewing machine in order to make samples for the demonstraton.

In order to fight against Pearl, I have been going to play cards with other old people...God help me, it has come to this.
What in the world is my grandmother thinking as she looks down on me????

Also weight gain..jeeze louize....I say, I am the largest person here.....But my grands say I am perfect and that no one likes a skinny grandma.
Love....I have love..xo