From under a mess, I heard the cry...the cry of an un-bordered quilt
All due to the shoulder operation...Two months she had been left alone not finished.

But, tonight...she, too is cute little divided nine-patch
lap quilt top..finished and happy. I cannot quilt yet, nor can I tie my apron,
but I can sew....Hurrah!!

Sitting in the yard, reading...looking at the sky and trees..
I realized how rich I really am...couldn't see it before...
It relaxed me so, that the book rose upon my tummy as I drifted off
with the breeze, napping like an old granny does
O'Quilt news:
Lynsey...her nightly ritual of reading Junie B Jones books to Stitch, the cat.
She insists that Junie B is his very favorite kind of book..
They sit, night after night, at bedtime reading.
Stitch never complains....see, he knows that Lynsey so wants to be a teacher.
Sheryl Sandburg....grief and resiliency On Being
All due to the shoulder operation...Two months she had been left alone not finished.
But, tonight...she, too is cute little divided nine-patch
lap quilt top..finished and happy. I cannot quilt yet, nor can I tie my apron,
but I can sew....Hurrah!!
Sitting in the yard, reading...looking at the sky and trees..
I realized how rich I really am...couldn't see it before...
It relaxed me so, that the book rose upon my tummy as I drifted off
with the breeze, napping like an old granny does
O'Quilt news:
Lynsey...her nightly ritual of reading Junie B Jones books to Stitch, the cat.
She insists that Junie B is his very favorite kind of book..
They sit, night after night, at bedtime reading.
Stitch never complains....see, he knows that Lynsey so wants to be a teacher.
Lynsey is crazy about dolls...They also are her students!!
Daddy visitation today...wonderful shape..
.Lynsey is exhausted from playing in the creek
with Daddy and riding her bike.
Dylan never gets exhausted...He is truly his father's son.
I can barely believe that just a few days ago, I was whining
about my shoulder. Today it is still even better than yesterday.
A miracle.
I am rich with miracles.
I listened to this podcast...just wanted to share.
Ideas I got......
Ideas I got......
What Fintan wanted for me was for me to be happy....Do not take that away from him in death.
Taking back the things you did not do anymore..because of his death.
For example, I no longer make Irish Soda Bread...maybe I should..
For example, I no longer make Irish Soda Bread...maybe I should..
Resiliency..... How to build that now..
I do feel stronger. But I think I survived because of his strength, not mine.
Now, I built my own strength. I can see I have landed on my own two feet.
I do feel stronger. But I think I survived because of his strength, not mine.
Now, I built my own strength. I can see I have landed on my own two feet.