Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The New Deal

Today's self care regime for me.  Went to water aerobics, sat in the sun, had breakfast with my girl and finished sewing these 6 blocks for my Cotton and Steel deal.
 Then there is the Himself deal...
The head nurse at the ALS specialty clinic thinks that my dear man has CO2 poisoning...eg the weakened diaphragm muscles cannot support normal opening and closing of the lungs so that the CO2 cannot be pushed out normally..thus, sleepiness and mild hallucinations.
Apparently his body is now over saturated with CO2.
Using his Trilogy breathing machine could alleviate this.
  He has not used it for two weeks having felt claustrophobic and because of his choking reflex.
The clinic wants him back on the Trilogy for at least 3 hours a day.
So far, Himself refuses to don the mask.  
And the beat goes on..............


beth said...

Your blocks are lovely! Glad you got to sit in the sun. Self care is so important when you are caring for so many and such difficult needs.

Prayers for your dear man, that he will be able to tolerate the Trilogy machine and get that CO2 out of his system.

Rachaeldaisy said...

I'm happy to hear you are doing kind things for yourself. I wonder if there could be a compromise of even just 1 hour on the machine, that might not feel so daunting.

Anita M said...

Firstly, Hello from Western Australia. I stumbled upon your blog a little while ago, and have been following along (quietly). I am glad you are taking time to look after yourself. It is so important. Your blocks are lovely. The man....well you can only encourage, his life, his decision. Anyway all the best, to you all, From sunny (bit too sunny today!) Perth.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Love your blocks, we have a snowy day here in middle England.
Perhaps the nurses/carers will have more luck persuading your man of the benefits of wearing the mask, although I can see that it might be frightening for him.
So much is now out of his control.

smazoochie said...

I pleased you made some time to take care of yourself, so necessary, but so easy to let slip, especially when you are in the midst of caregiving.
As said above, all you can do is encourage him. I'm always thinking of you.