Friday, January 9, 2015

What a difference a day makes...

I mean, what a difference a few hours make...
 I just finished block six..Mr.O'Quilts is coughing like mad.  We have been using the Cough Assist machine all night.  After I put the Trilogy breathing mask on tonight, he asked if I had the baby monitor on...(thank you Carol for going out in the night and buying one and putting it on my porch...hugs)  I did..but every time there was the slightest noise, I was up and at um...Mama Bear was on it..
Mama Bear was so on it, that often, he was not even awake and some of the time, it was my own wheezing that woke me...Jeeze Louize.
I have taken to sleeping in my clothes.
  Finally, I just got up...I am on Prednisone after all...thus we have block six, nicely finished
 Once up with my vino tinto, he did need more help...a pill or two under his tongue was not enough.  He needed cough medication.  First my arthritis would not let me open the child proof top..Finally, he tried to drink a sip of the medication and could not swallow.  Feeding tube time...omg 
  I have avoided that like the plague..but necessity was know..and he walked me thru it.  I put the water and cough syrup into the feeding tube like a perfect student. 
I think he feels a bit less vulnerable with me sitting here sewing...but the first school bus comes at 6 am...and it is now 2 am, as I wheeze away...hmmm
 Darling Evan is 9 and a half.  He considers himself quite grown up.  As an almost adult..hmmm, he prides himself on helping his beloved granddaddy.  He has learned the cough assist machine.  I asked him if he wanted to learn the feeding tube.  I told him about it.  He pondered, then he decided that that part was probably for 13 year olds...
Emily is still so sick...Actually, I am not much better..  Cotton and Steel, the American way...just one foot in front of the other.
 Grateful that I listened to the doctor and reduced my stress????.
And, as my friend Jenny says...if I need more help, Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson only work 6 nights a year and they just might be available...I should really put a call out.  Stay tuned.


smazoochie said...

Cotton and Steel.
This quilt will be your Mantle and your Mantra. Your generous heart must not give this it to someone who needs it more than you. You need this one.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

I hope your health improves soon. Sitting sewing with your man is great.

Bridget said...

So hard to be sick and helping an ill one in the family. But I am glad you have your fabric for therapy. Would you like a little Southwestern therapy packet?