Saturday, October 12, 2024

Today's News

 Family News:

Aoife is no longer an only child!!!

After two  years of dirt biking in the country on  the bike he bought with his own working money.....
At last, a crash...MRI next week...Stay tuned...Dylan is now 14.5

Sewing fun:  Enjoying Spider process:

Making key fobs for the holidays....There are tons of online U-Tube tutes:
Hardware bought on Amazon Prime.

There are no good posts without a potholder, or two:

And so it goes as I try to stay in the day, appreciating each moment
Reading on the porch, enjoying the beautiful sky...Carolina Blue.  Lunching here with friends;
Trying to organize, one step at a time.

My hip is so painful that I can  hardly walk, even with a  walker.  My ortho appointmet...6 weeks out.
Finally, fed up,  Thursday night I typed a message into the Ortho portal.
It said, " My retired ortho surgeon would be so disappointed to see that I do not seem to be able to get an earlier appointment, even in so much pain"!!!!
The next morning at 8:30 am, I recieved a phone call offering me an appointment this upcoming Thursday.
I am so grateful.  And grateful my sister is available to drive me and keep me company.
Today I celebrated the good things, albeit in pain.
Grateful I am here safe and sound in my adult living community.  Especially since going out is not feasible...No strength left in my left leg.
Grateful for my wonderful DIL doing a grocery run for me.
I have been blessed with a lovely life.

1 comment:

Linda Swanekamp said...

You are always funny- even when in pain. Love your colorful bits of work! Hopefully Dylan will mend and keep going quickly.