Thursday, November 15, 2012

The book cover thing..

Book cover number two with adjusted sizes.  My books are 7.5 inches by 9.75 inches.  I have adjusted the sizes for the tutorial of the previous post to: 17x11.5/ 11.5 x 5.5.  This seems to work...Thank goodness...
 This decorative stitch with the variegated thread looks good too...
 Inside flaps..
 Decorative button.
Now I am off to renew my driver's license.  I wake up so irritable.  I think I am trying to do too much..but I really want to.  Doc told me yesterday that it could be another 6 months before the concussion symptoms are gone.  Did I want to hear that????  Nope...Meantime, my dear mother has gone to lunch bunch at the Temple, in the Sunrise wheelchair van.  She is not Jewish, but all her friends are and she will not be left out...She is something else!!!


Melissa said...

Looks great! The decorative stitches are cool! :)

http://thankfullga447 said...

I love the book cover, I want to do some for Christmas but my list is getting too long. You get better and take it slow. Body needs healing, thanks for stopping by my blog.