Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Wow...just wow....

And what surprises do we find under the tree this evening??  Hand made baskets that our daughter made in Ireland and carried in her suitcase home to us.  Wow!!  Her man's father was a known basket maker in his community.  In the first year that Emily lived in Ireland, he taught her how to make these baskets.  Sadly, he died this summer from a surprise ailment.  His legacy lives on.  I continue to be amazed by my daughter.
 Felt tags she made and embroidered with my machine while I was not looking:)
 She took some of their pictures, printed them on fabric and made potpourri for me...
And for her daddy comes a calendar made from photos she snapped of the Irish landscape as they travel around the land..
 My heart...Thank you, my dear daughter...the best Christmas ever!!!


Melissa said...

Completely awesome gifts! :) Merry Christmas!

Debby said...

What a wonderful Christmas gift!!!! High five for DD, she is her Mamma's girl with all that talent