Sunday, December 9, 2012

Help needed...oh, yes please.....

Some friends are coming to my house for a cookie exchange...not my idea...but my second name could, might be...Cookie Monster!  With my ailments, I really should just make the tried and true...Not me!  Gotta try the new and exciting.  Already one cookie failure tonight.  Mr. O'Quilts went into the garage for me to fetch my box of vintage cookie cutters.  With excitement I opened them up....NO....Oh, no....they are all rusty and did that happen???  And what to do now(:  Please send me the cure...thank u...

1 comment:

smazoochie said...

Maybe a light sanding to get any rust flakes off, then a coating of a kitchen oil -- veg, olive, walnut. Soak the plastic ones in Dawn.
If that doesn't help, some pretty red & green ribbon or rickrack & hang them on your tree. Followed by a trip to Target or BB&B. :-)