Monday, July 14, 2014

Enough, already

Sheep process number 6.  And, just because you can, doesn't mean you have day at a time or Each day a new beginning...
Tonight I say, enough, already...
It was not Yo who had the role model, Tigger!!
Made self go to The Queen Bee this morning and was glad I did...Tomorrow making self go to lunch and Harbor Freight.with Irish Quilters will be glad I did...
And, I hate to mention it, but tomorrow night is one more ALS support group with Mr.O...and Wednesday is an appointment at the clinic to have my dear man weighed and have a breathing test...
I have decided to hire the babysitter sometime in the next few weeks to help fold my fabric..and maybe organize...I mean really, tonight I found greens in 3 different places.

1 comment:

Michele Bilyeu said...

Greens in so many places, and cats, too! Thank heavens cats have a sense of humor and don't even know it. And you, do, too. You always come back up to the top. Some days it just takes one heck of a lot of treading underwater. Bounce up again, Tigger!