Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Thank God for Friends and Family

My family in Portland:  Our four year old with her mommy, checking out the chickens.  Will they get cats or chickens/???

With the awesome oil cloth fabric Eithne bought me in Ireland forever ago, I have made two cat pouches with Velcro.
These can  hold playing cards, little toys, anything actually and I love them so much.  Look at the little tabs I bought on sale a while back.  So cute!!

My girl took a flower/fabric class with her friend the other day...
Pressing flowers from  her own garden onto pre-treated fabric.
Potholders continue to fly out the door as everyone is so very nice here...Just finished these 6:

So much fun to incorporate the saved selvedges.

I swear being old is like being in the amusement park or the circus!!!!!  Everyday, something new.
This morning PT on my  painful adductor muscles that hurt when I walk.  Torture.
The PT told me that their favorite saying is:
Is it better to negotiate with a terrorist or a therapist???
The answer of course is a terrorist is more forgiving..

Spent the night in pain; spent the morning in massage and heat and electrodes at PT.
I felt so much better that tonight I decided to sweep the kitchen floor for my friends tomorrow.
I know that they say they come to visit me, not my apartment....However....
This is the last time I  try that, as the broom and pan are on the floor still.

  I lost my balance without the cane and fell.
Lucky me caught myself on the kitchen sink, not on the floor.  I am sore but graterful...
The reality of being ancient is becoming more present in my mind...and all the new challenges every day.
My kitchen floor is still dirty; I have nothing broken on my body.

The days are going so fast...The summer is almost over...Unbelievable.  Every day I sit outside on my patio and read.  Today, I finished a great book called, HORSE.  
Tomorrow, I start a new , overdue library book...one of Hazel Gaynor's, I think.

My daughter comes to visit me next week for a few days.  Grateful...Very...She always lifts my spirits and she loves to sew.
She is just a terrific 


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Your potholders are so creative. I can see why so many people want them. Have fun with your daughter.

jane said...

Where did you find that wonderful “Vote” fabric? I need to make potholders and pass the word!

O'Quilts said...

Thank you Wanda xo

O'Quilts said...

Hey Jane. I bought this fabric years ago. I just checked now online and they have it on Etsy. Good luck xo

Mystic Quilter said...

Colourful collection of pot holders Diane, so good for gifting.Sorry to read about your ongoing troubles with pain, not to mention the accident whilst sweeping the floor, constant pain is a real burden to bear, I often think of the words from Mae West "old age is not for cissies" how right she was! However, you have a happy time coming soon when your daughter comes to visit, what a treat for you both.

http://thankfullga447 said...

The potholders are great, I hope to make some as Christmas presents. I am sorry you are in pain/heat does help. Pat yourself on the back you are always doing things and keeping busy.