Monday, August 26, 2024

The Learning Curve

 Dearest Dylan started 9th grade today...Sigh...I love him so.

In order to  contribute to politics, I was asked to make bags to carry pamphlets for folk's door handles in the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, none can be considered a masterpiece.  So many things went wrong.  I ordered the bags online as well as the detachable shoulder handles...and embelleshed them best I could.  They were delivered the political folks...Alas, no one seems embarrassed by them but  me.

The shoulder straps were requested...Online again....I got them, but I had never added these loops.
Big mistake cutting the seatbelt like fabric in half to fit the rings...It frayed terribly.  UGLY!!!  Finally I found my Fray Check, but by then, the bags were made and Fray Check did not make much of a difference.  Always learning......

A big thanks to Rachel for tonight's rescue.  She picked me up through all the traffic and her far away home to take me to dinner.  In spite of my painful hip-impingement, I chose to go instead of staying home to feel sorry for self.  Great to have a friend like Rachel!!

She saved me when I needed it most!!

New readers came today.  I am absolutely obsessed with new readers....Especially online when they are such a cheap thrill.

I must have 35 pairs...all hidden and lost under fabric and such....Plus who knows what kind of day it will be....Bright yellow or red flowers....Small joys in life.

1 comment:

Mystic Quilter said...

35 pairs of readers is unbelievable but I bet you can find a pair to match your sewing with no trouble at all.