Tuesday, September 18, 2012

And then there was None...

I have met my challenge of using up all 108 one patches, made into four patches.  There were 10 left.  I  put  them with fussy cut IKEA white fabric I had dyed yellow.  Boy, those vintage fabrics have traveled far:)  I now have 4 baby quilt tops.  I will baste this one later on.  Will need to quilt them another time..quilting does not seem to bode well  for me right now(:

Next project is to clean the mess I have made again in my sewing room.  Although I do know what happens when I start cleaning....I bump into something new:)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Wow,my ou made quick work of all those squares! And I love how all the tops are a bit different. Hope. You're feling better!