This is not a phone....y... story!!!
My mother always said that I was special...a cut above....nothing like a mother talking, that's what I say! I also say that used to...does not count..all that is so over.....
This morning I was off to exercise in the pool half asleep..evidently..Whining about the cold water, I did not realize that I had put my new and awesome I-phone in the bra of my swimming suit instead of the bra of my clothes.....a sad mourning for me!!! The pool friends put my phone in a bag of rice. I went to Verizon where I was told that water damage was fatal and not covered by my insurance. They said that I would have to still pay the 2 year contract that I had just signed and pay $600 for a new phone.

Off I then went to the Apple store, carrying the dear phone in the big bag of rice. They said that I would have to wait 2 hours for an appt with a fine, but first I had to explain my fool problem of water exercising with my I-phone in the bra of my swimming suit(: With my loud voice, I evidently explained it all to the entire busy store and then...gesturing and pulling the phone from the bag of rice, I spilled the rice all over their I-pad display.....
Lordy, they were so ready to see this old age pensioner leave that store. $150 for a new phone and $50 more for me two more times to swim with my new phone!!! During my wait, I browsed their rice covered I-Pad display. Thirty minutes later, I had concussion symptoms...eyes, ears, head and neck....can you believe it...almost 10 months later...
Sooo, since I am once again on a fabric buying budget, I thought that I had better tell this story with the fabric that I do have!
I really, really, really love my I-Phone.
Now, to cheer us up comes,via Beth....
The Great British Sewing Bee.....Enjoy!