Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Ride

One day at a time quilt process day 5...A big thank you to Irene Berry and The Quilt Life magazine, June 2014 for this adorable pattern.  I have not finished the top yet, doing it in increments as a test for myself.  Paralleling my personal life, trying to stay in the day.  For me, color choices and creating are the favorite parts of quilting. Working here, I copied the quilt mostly as I saw it in color and pattern.  I told myself to let go and just enjoy the sewing process without creating or thinking too much, for if I did that, I would not sew at all.  And, sewing is so therapeutic.  My Faultless heavy duty starch was quite helpful in this quilt.  Using old Wonder-under was not helpful.  This will be a quilt for a 2 year old Irish perfect is that!!  I am going to incorporate her name appliqued on the back.

My sewing room is way out of across the sea to Brenda who promised to fold and organize...Where are u Brenda in my hour of need???
And then, there is always a then.....
ALS caregiver support group this afternoon.  Ah, the two sided coin:  The comfort of being with others who truly understand this awful disease vs the horror of listening to issues of feeding tubes, suction machines, trilogy machines and diaphragm pacers.
The other caregivers do not seem to be as weak as I feel.
The balance for caregivers of practicing self care vs the feelings of guilt as they do so.

I feel like a different person with the children gone visiting  for the weekend.
Missed the children, but enjoyed the peace and quiet time with Mr. O.


smazoochie said...

I image the other caregivers are just like you.
From my small experience, when I was faced with something I thought I could not possibly do, but there was only me there to do it, I had to tuck in & do it. Only in retrospect was I amazed I had it in me to do the thing. At the time, I was just doing what needed to be done.
Supportive hugs to you & yours.
Love the sheep.

Barb said...

caregiving is such an overwhelming task. I'm glad you have a support group.
your sheep are adorable!!