Monday, August 25, 2014

More Good Stuff

SHE is home!!!!  My girl came home yesterday from Europe and hit the ground running.  Now...I am crying from relief!!!  I am just sooo exhausted.
Here she is having our 4 year old do the dishes.  She has already done Trader Joe's for the spinach for the
green smoothies(: and tons of errands and child care and parent care.  Tomorrow she starts her job.

 A successful first day in a new school...Here is our 4th grader with his new red backpack meeting his friend at the bus stop.
 Since supervision is a must!!! We ALL came to send him off!!!...poor Evan.  Well his sister goes with him on Wednesday as kindergarten staggers...Soon I might even get to post quilting things:)
 Every day is an amazing day with the goodness of people.  They give hugs and help and food and love.
Look at the kids' karate teachers!!!  They make me smile. 


ES said...

Horay for help! And Horay that your daughter is there to help you :)

I have had a long day with my two today, because my husband has been away for work, it was just one whole day and I am shattered! He normally helps out a lot at dinner time and bed time!!

You can try and get some quilting done now (I hope) and I will sit down now for an hour and crochet :) x

smazoochie said...

I'm so glad your Girl is safely here to help.