Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 These pictures have been posted already...I think...but memories are good.

Last year, Mac Barnes was only 19 when his work landed on the cover of this German quilt magazine. So very proud of him 

I took this quilt out for my bed last night.  I fell in love with it all over again

Aoife and her pre-school friend....brunch at Aoife's house...both girls in their party dresses...

Aoife raised right....napping on fabric.

My loves, 11 years ago...ages 3, 4 anad 7...started karate..and loved it...They went all the way to black belts.
The midnight hour here....A friend just told me that the sewing bee was cancelled for tomorrow...I am disappointed for sure...I was all packed and ready.

However, today was a good and busy day:
A quick celebration of Mental Health Month.. lunch here with friends, a sewing group, an impromptu visit by inhouse friends in my apartment.  Now, I am eating a chocolate with almonds treat...the midnight hour takes away all my inhibitions. and my common sense.
I read two historical novels this past  weekend...all outside on my patio.  Hazel Gaynor is a lovely writer...I have enjoyed several of her novels
Sewing has consisted of potholders, tissue holders for staff and organizing....Amazing the treats I find when organizing.  I cut some scraps with my electric Accuquilt..This past month I have started 6 new sewing projects...plenty more are in my head.
I do not see my family very much...all are busy with their own families...TBTG I have made friends here now...so grateful...
Plans for tomorrow...: exercise in our pool, more sewing room organizing, potholder sewing and reading on the porch...Sounds totally relaxing to me. I wish I had something new to show you......Maybe next time...... 

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love the quilt you put on your bed, so "summer".

The longer you live there, the more friends you will have. Our younger family members are always busy, so were we when we were their age. Keeping in touch is all we can do sometimes.