Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Just a Lovely Day in Charlotte

Today's finishes:  50 pocket tissue packs.  By August, I usually have 100 made for  the holidays...This year, I think 50 is just fine.
Sally is a jewelry artist....She took a cliping from a quilt magazine and decoupaged it on a piece of wood...I just  love it.
Finished  two potholders today....The panel of chocolate sayings is  very popular in potholder gifts.

We have a store here called "Goods to Go"  Donated items for sale.  Money goes to help folks pay the rent when they run out of money.  This ACTS community  has promised never to tell a resident to  leave because of money.
Look what I found today for $2 each...me thinks it is depression ware....

My husband is so wonderful...Our anniversary is June first .  He always sends me fabric to make me happy...He is quite  the bargain shopper!!!  Thank you honey...I love you so!!!

That is today's news...Of  course there is always lunching with a friend or two and reading a  book on my porch.


Linda Swanekamp said...

Thrills me to see how well you are doing and what you are creating.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Your glassware reminds me of some Fostoria my grandmother had. I'm no expert on glassware though.
I love the rabbit fabric. I have some of that in the pink/green quilt top.