Sunday, August 18, 2024

Tears and Joy

                                                                                                                   Sad news is:  Freddy Moran died August 13, 2024 at the age of 94.  She was one of my very very favorites.

Good news is that my girl and I had a wonderful visit. She stayed 4 perfect days , She left this afternoon and is now home with her family again in Oregon.
We sewed together and watched the British Sewing Bee...She has some link to it that I could never find myself.
What have I been sewing?

I have finished making this backing for my Marcia Derse quilt.  The recipient asked for a black backing.

The chicken blocks are up on the design wall...Of course I cannot find the cream fabric with the chicken wire....Dear me, in my clutter, I  have looked everywhere....(chicken pattern is from Slice of Pi blog.)

Rather than stay at home and pout with my hip impingement, I am walking thru the pain as suggested by my physical therapist...
Nothing is working!!!

I am a failure at aging gracefully.....but I have not given up...
Not suffering in silence is more my speed.


Mystic Quilter said...

I was excited when I first came across Freddy Moran's quilts, all that delicious colour, a very sad day to learn that she has left us. On with sewing an you have good collection of fabric for your backing, I don't remember seeing your Marcia Derse quilt top so I'll hunt back in your posts.

Julierose said...

It is so sad that she has left our quilting world...but 94 was a good stretch of years...;))
I like the backing for your MD quilt...I don't recall seeing it either??
Take heart, I don't suffer in pain quietly either!! I mean why? I feel better letting it all out:)))
Hugs and hope you feel better... Julierose

Nancy said...

I had not heard about Freddy’s passing. I can’t even remember how many years ago I took a house class from her. That is where I learned - Red is a neutral.