Saturday, September 19, 2015

Hitting it Just Right

This is why I love my bottle tree....It changes with the time of day and the seasons..
.It inspires me as I view it from my sewing room.
Today I was brave.
Today I left my sewing room for a Sit and Sew at Terri's house.
It was so worth it.
Here is the crowd getting Grandma off...
You would think it was to the moon instead of 40 minutes away to Terri's house.
 Sherry drove and I relaxed, or tried to..
 I basted my grey X quilt with help in Terri's awesome studio.
....and finished 70 tissue holders for holiday gifts.
Since it is only still September, I am thrilled.
Terri made us lunch, we all caught up with each other and I had two 10 min power 
Can you imagine the hostess at  a Sit and Sew making us presents to thank us for coming.
Oh, are something else.  My new flower pincushion is the best!!!!
My sister had her moving sale today.
  She did just ok..but is grateful to be getting rid of things and moving along.
Thank you Stephanie for taking such good care of things so I could have an outing.
The Grands also enjoyed a short visit with their mother.

Very interesting article, Learning to be a Widow
I have been perusing old music on the computer..hmmm


http://thankfullga447 said...

Always, thank you for sharing. You help so many of your followers.

Karaquilts said...

Well, this sounds like a perfect day! Friends, quilting, napping, friends. All while the children had their own adventures. And it's always fun to explore someone else's sewing studio. I L O V E the pincushion! what a fine reminder of a pleasant day and pleasant people. I'm so glad you share with all of us.

Rachaeldaisy said...

That sounds like just the sort of day you needed. What a treat to see your bottle tree glowing in the sunlight..

smazoochie said...

My Mom loved light through colored glass. With much of her colored glass now living in my home, I am learning to love it too.
I am glad you had a day out -- sewing, napping, just being with women who love you.
Thank you for the references to writings on widowhood. I hope I never try to jolly you out of your grief. My little experience with it, I know it can hit you when you least expect it.
Be well. Take care.