Crazy camera...I bought it after the robbery.
State Farm did not pay squat and I had "replacement insurance"!!
That one sock is at Marie's house still, does not phase Lynsey one bit!!!
State Farm did not pay squat and I had "replacement insurance"!!
That one sock is at Marie's house still, does not phase Lynsey one bit!!!
If it is not enough..
...Now a tiff with my daughter..all stressed about her wedding that she is planning in TWO months.
When I talk about the "friends" who dropped me after the funeral, she says that I am being too judgmental...Of course she is right.. She says that I go on and on repeating things...
Well...she is right there, too. That is what old people do.
She is not in my situation stewing in grief that will not go away.
Chock it all up to stress...hers and mine....way too much.
Nary a vacation day in sight for me..
Now on to my sewing choices...ugh...

The more I mess with the inner borders, the more I realize that it is the outer blue border that is the culprit..
It is too dark and overpowers the quilt.
I might just make potholders tonight to relieve my stress.
So relaxing...and positive and mood changing for a Friday night.
I will let all this ferment on the wall and off the wall.
Until... the answers hits me..
As always, Thank you for riding with me.
A Loved One's Goodbye
...Now a tiff with my daughter..all stressed about her wedding that she is planning in TWO months.
When I talk about the "friends" who dropped me after the funeral, she says that I am being too judgmental...Of course she is right.. She says that I go on and on repeating things...
Well...she is right there, too. That is what old people do.
She is not in my situation stewing in grief that will not go away.
Chock it all up to stress...hers and mine....way too much.
Nary a vacation day in sight for me..
Now on to my sewing choices...ugh...
The more I mess with the inner borders, the more I realize that it is the outer blue border that is the culprit..
It is too dark and overpowers the quilt.
I might just make potholders tonight to relieve my stress.
So relaxing...and positive and mood changing for a Friday night.
I will let all this ferment on the wall and off the wall.
Until... the answers hits me..
As always, Thank you for riding with me.
A Loved One's Goodbye
A daughter has lost her Father, but doesn't understand the depth of the loss of the Life Partner. Anyway, I know I did not.
And getting married is a whole 'nother ball of stress -- so much the bride feels *must* be done & so little time.
There will be meltdowns. Just make sure both of you know how much you love each other.
I wish I could give you a change of scene, it would do you a world of good. Mine was mostly work & illness, but New & Different are very valuable. Try taking mini-vacations, a park, a museum, a movie.
Always sending hugs.
Wedding preparations are extremely stressful! And I think mothers of the bride just get all the stress aimed at them. X
With all the stress in your live right now, I think a potholder sewing session is definitely in order.
Smazoozie said it! Listen to your heart and feel love for this darling daughter who has been there for you, for him, and is trying to go forward with love while dealing with stressors that overwhelm you both. I am a repeater. I repeat when I have not yet gotten all of that 'ick' out yet. But no one wants to hear it and there are better ways to get it out because it just keeps us in our rut. Jump the rut one jump at a time. You are doing it and can keep on keeping on, one rut jump at a time!
A wedding creates so much stress. You are the only one your daughter can lash out at since you are the only one who won't walk away. Possibly try saying your comments to her silently first and maybe you won't need to say them out loud. Deep breaths and this too shall pass.
It is so hard not to look ahead and worry about what is to come. Living in the moment can help to relieve stress. Hugs to you:)
Well, all I can say is that pot holder antidotes are excellent therapy for all of the "stuff" that interferes with peace and serenity. Wishing a big dose of both on the morrow and hugs in the meantime!
I'd try putting this lovely black outer border on the inside border spot.:) No advice about dealing with wedding stress or grief. I have been there with overwhelming grief for a short period in my life--it's such an individual path. Just writing about it and opening up to the facts of it are a sort of forward progress.
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