Color is the answer to most things...OK, Chocolate too..
Latest process on the design wall.
Evan decided that he needed a lap quilt in order to better
enjoy his computer cut a piece of my batting...OMG
Today, I found the extra blocks from Granddaddy's shirts.
Perfect to make a cuddle quilt for his oldest grandson.
I will batt it with wool for super cozy.
My girl camping in Washington state near Oregon.
June 24 was my grandmother's birthday.
Latest process on the design wall.
Evan decided that he needed a lap quilt in order to better
enjoy his computer cut a piece of my batting...OMG
Today, I found the extra blocks from Granddaddy's shirts.
Perfect to make a cuddle quilt for his oldest grandson.
I will batt it with wool for super cozy.
My girl camping in Washington state near Oregon.
June 24 was my grandmother's birthday.
She would have been 121 this year.....born 1897 died 1997 sigh..
Family folk lore tells it that she was really born the next day...but that was Mid-Summer's Day..and she did not want to compete.
She wanted a day to herself.
Since there were no records to speak of then.....Who knows??
I certainly wish she was here to gossip and laugh with.
She made a much better matriarch than I do.
Heroin, the leading cause of deaths in Americans under 50
Son, I love you so.
You were in great shape at Evan's 12th birthday party.
My heart....
Do not worry about Grandma O'Quilts and family
The Karate Black Belts in my family are ready for sparring at any time.
So proud.!!

Grandma O'Quilts is getting better every day
How could I not with so much to be grateful for.
Just because
Leaving on a Jet Plane
I certainly wish she was here to gossip and laugh with.
She made a much better matriarch than I do.
Heroin, the leading cause of deaths in Americans under 50
Son, I love you so.
You were in great shape at Evan's 12th birthday party.
My heart....
Do not worry about Grandma O'Quilts and family
The Karate Black Belts in my family are ready for sparring at any time.
So proud.!!
Grandma O'Quilts is getting better every day
How could I not with so much to be grateful for.
Just because
Leaving on a Jet Plane
So good to hear from you and having good days. All is well here in Omaha, NE but summer is getting hotter and heat & I don't agree. I am going to work in the sewing room today. Gisela
Oh, wow! Your daughter is in one of my most favorite places on earth!!! and the pictures are so great. I can almost smell the crisp mountain air ~ ~ still spring in the mountains and probably not even wild flowers blooming for another month :)
I LOVE the quilt you're playing with and the quilt for Evan (the stinker!) ~ ~ and the black belt gang!!!
I cannot imagine the agony for your son, but then you tell the story of your grandmother and her spirit which you surely have inherited ~ ~ YOU, my friend, will face whatever must be faced and you will do it exactly as it ought to be done. In the meantime, love and be loved, create and quilt, and write blogs!!! (Leaving on a Jet Plane is an all time favorite of mine also!!!)
Hugs ~ ~ ~
I found your blog just months after your man passed and I have followed you ever since. I have passed on your blog to friends as well to show what an amazing woman you are. The adversity and heartbreak you have faced is truly heartbreaking. I wish I could hug you when you needed one the most! Thank you for sharing of your life, your story, your grands, your children. You will never truly know how many people YOU have helped and provided a word of wisdom or two. Thank you my dear blog friend. I only pray that I can be half of the grace and courage that you show. Your grands are truly blessed to have you in their corner! Blessings from Canada!
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