Monday, April 29, 2024

The MIracle

With her permission, I share the miracle of today.  The mother of my DIL invited me to an open meeting of recovery today.  In  tears of joy, I watched her pick up her 10 year chip of sobriety from alcohol and drugs.
I am  humbled and so very proud of her.
Celebrating the miracle with the delight of sunflowers.

Sunday, April 28, 2024


Yesterday and Thursday were great days with Lynsey's grateful I have a grandgirl like her.
Today I was supposed to go to a sit and sew, but only one other person signed up...I did not go...Ennui set in..I felt like I wasted my day...All my fault for staying up until  1:30 am last night sewing away like a  youthful soul. The result of that faulty thinking was feeling  blah today.
Tonight I got a grip.  After reading outside on this splendid day, I finished the 16 washcloths for donation.  They are all done with cute fabric like below.  A finish...good feeling.
A friend picked up this Nelly Moser Clematis for me...Someone will plant it tomorrow.  My very favorite one.
Next small finish:  extra triangles from a snowballed project.
I almost decided not to spend the time, but now....glad I did.
All cut and ready for ironing.
So I got things done after all...and two support group zooms....and lunch with friends here.....certainly letting me know that I have tons to be grateful for:
The maturity of my 15 year old granddaughter.
The one day turn around for my broken machine.
The sunny day.
A call from  my son saying not to worry about him as he was fine.
My daughter who is always in touch and with pictures too!!
My supportive DIL.
My mother who taught me to think of others when I was sad and blue.
My grandmother who taught me to sew.
And lots and lots I accept that every day cannot be stellar!!
Yet still, a grateful day.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Grateful Grandma

 Lovely Lynsey is 15 now...We went out to dinner last night and had a great time...My friends were all delighted with her beauty and her poise...(I am NOT prejudice...not at all)  She  has taken to spend Thursday nights with me. I am so grateful I had the strength to raise my grands for 8.5 years..and  more than grateful their healthy mom can do such a great job now...Gratitude...sigh...a wonderful thing.

Lynsey did not like the food at my house.(no teenage food she said)   She offered to go shopping at Aldi for  me...Aldi without Lynsey is a very sad thing.  She told me to stay in the car and she would handle it all...She took my credit card, did the shopping, loaded it in the car and into the apt and put it all away.; It was just like we used to do when we were living together.

A couple here has befriended me...She is 89 and a half years old.  On occasion, she invites me to exercise in the pool with her.  OMG, after this last time, I could barely walk the next day... Her husband turns 95 on May 1st.  I made him this "Happy cloth".  They are fun to make and give away.  I figure that cleaning things like kitchen counters, car dashboards, or cleaning a boring job.  A cloth decorated with fun fabric should cheer the day .   He will get a kick out of this one.!!
With my arthritis, gardening seems impossible for me...Such a fall risk!!
There are friends here who have no gardens and wish they did... I have offered up mine for them to do with what they want...Such a win-win...Charlene and Lucy started last week cleaning and organizing the small patio garden.  Already I feel more peaceful and grateful.  I like gardens wild and busy; they like gardens tidy.  I do not care. I am grateful.for the friendship and the help.
At Wednesday's Women last week, I tried to attach this African fabric trim to my online sale jacket.
It was a disaster.  Somehow, I hit a hidden part of the zipper with my needle.  I destroyed the bobbin case and put the needle casing out of alignment.. OMG, Sherry put my sewing machine into the car for fixing and finished my shirt.on my second machine
..THANK YOU Sherry!!!
I was in the shop at Quilt Patch fabrics the next morning by ten thirty am and back home with my machine  by 3 pm.  There is a new repair man there named Bill who is very very nice...TBTG  He cleaned my machine too.  He said it was very dirty????  Hmm , it has only been 9 months since cleaning....Every day sewing makes dirty happen.  I do not care....Sewing makes me happy.

More things to be joyful about:  My cleaning lady came today...wonderful..
It was a bit chilly here today at 65..., but Friday week it will be 90!!!!  Spring is here...Nothing better than that...

Monday, April 22, 2024

Grandma Stays Sunnyside Up

 Joy from Portland:  Almost hard to choose which is more beautiful, the lilacs or Aoife...Almost!!!  But, the choice is clear.

Mary Jerz has finished quilting my plaid hourglass quilt.. Plaids collected from forever ago.
The shot cotton on the back shows off Mary's great longarm quilting.
In other quilty process:  my latest scrap top effort

Bored with it all, I found some batik cuts...enough to start a baby quilt top.

Sally Catoe lives down the hall from me.  She has a small jewelry business making earrings.
I do not wear large earrings like these.  But, with a small ring, I can wear the quilty ones as a pendant.

Grandma O'Quilts turned on the TV news for the first time since she has moved here.. Although the news often gives me a stomach ache, I now have Peacock.
As you can see, I have turned it toward the sewing machine area so I can press and be informed all at the same time.

I love using bag bags like this...but have never  thought of  using these...old linen calenders!!! From the "Sewing " blog.

Life seems to be like a rollercoaster.  I received a text from my son the other night saying he loved me and he was OK...A huge relief!!
A cold storm came through last usual...the storm before the calm??
Since I am full of arthritis, I am a fall risk.and can no longer safely putter outside.  Friends came by today to revamp my patio garden.  I gave them full range to do what they wanted...Well...almost full range...They love gardening and I love being taken care of.  Win-win.
Today, I celebrate the good stuff 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Lynsey and Grandma

A true scrap  quilt finally finished...First I made the HSTs...they sat a few years...then I put the  yellow in and it sat.for months..I must be getting better as this is the first quilt I have quilted in three  years, albeit a baby size.  I really had a struggle with the little bit of free motion quilting...finally I just did it with the feeddogs up.
Quilt backing is a 15 year old batik from my stash...a sale from a long defunct quilt store in Black Mountain.

Love comes in a selfie of 15 year old Lynsey and her grandma.
Of course there is a difference in energy between 76 and 15 !!!
She is so good to her grandma.

Kind and talented stain glass maker, Betty McConnell made for me a spring tree.  In December we can call it a different kind of tree.'
It is just what I ordered...Thank you Betty!!
BTW, it is not jewelry....However, I wear it on a funky chain.

Last week Lynsey came to 10 pm she announced ...Oh, was her mother's birthday and she needed to make a present..
I told her  to go pick out some laminate and a zipper...and google a tute...I hovered behind her...15 year old attitude said...get back grandma....I know how to sew!!!  She put in her first zipper and boxed the corners...Her mother loved it!!  Success!!

Our Evan will be 19 in June.  This was his first beach trip with just the boys...
Where did the time go???  Our Evan is the one in blue with the palm trees on his shirt.

A windy , nippy day today.  We went to the  house library where my girl worked on past assignments for school.
She got stuck on math...looking for a math genius who understands Slope intercept form...OMG....that is so not me!!

My girl and I took a walk today, ate in the Bistro and talked and talked and talked.  Love!!!!

We decided that we have not spent enough time every Thursday day and night would be our new future time together...
Ok...bed time, once again at 1:15 am.... A nice day that has to end.


Friday, April 5, 2024

A Crisp and Sunny and Lovely Day

 First steal from Trader Joe's.  There were tons of these Hyacinths with three stalks.  Lucky me found one squished in the back with NINE!  (stars in the background from Blue Elephant Stitches)

Aoife in Portland at an Irish pub...celebrating Cork...where her daddy is from
Aoife has dual citizenship as do I.

The Wednesday Women got together at Marie's house in Waxhaw on Wednesday
I  made this rope trivet last night for her...using the Accuquilt electric, I cut the flower which was ironed on to Wonderunder.
I pressed the flower to the finished rope trivet and stitched around it...the blue trim is rope wrapped with a checkered batik
Marie is from it is perfect!

The result of three days of pool exercise is a happier and more focused me.
Time to practice a little free motion quilting...Has it been a year already or more???
Quilt under the presser foot, gloves ready:
I am a of course I need an attached measuring tape on every single surface!
Under my computer is a piece of fiber art from New Delhi, India when  I visited back in the day.
My very brave DIL has taken three children to the beach alone.
Here we have 15 year old Lynsey with her new puppy., much joy!!

The bewitching hour has me craving Butterfingers...jeeze.  I am eating oranges instead.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

An Attitude Adjustment

Thank you Dylan for underplanting tulips in the fall..and thank you Lisa for the stunning Columbine plant.

My son has been missing for a year and a half  now..I have had no  idea where he was.  I still have no idea, but he did call two nights ago.
So grateful to know he is still alive.  I shared the family news and that we all love him so much.
It is all so hard.

Our Aoife getting into the St Paddy's Day tea.

I think that Aoife is the only grand still interested in dying eggs for Easter
It has been a very difficult few days.  However Grandma O'Quilts is up and at 'um...back at the pool, sewing away and sitting outside in the stunning, sunny, breezy day, reading.

My neighbor here is in her 80's.  She loves to walk and walk and walk. Last week or so she was walking when a lady living across the street, decided to let her lab off its leash.  This dog knocked my friend down, knocked off her shoes and broke her arm.
She is a stoic one...still carrying on.  But, she is a ghost writer for extra money and can no longer type.  She is crazy about ducks,,,They are displayed around her bird feeder in her front yard.  I put  this on her door to honor her bravery and good  heart.