Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Day Named Tuesday

Happy 4th birthday to our Aoife in Oregon..
Enjoying the rainbow cake her mommy made her.

Dylan, age 14, showing off the muscles he has earned working construction with his stepfather.

A treat for Grandma...A tiny sewing machine with a clip on the top.  Perfect for holding checks for the cleaning lady or memos for myself.

Someone is sewing!!  Done last night are 3 string bags for gifts.. easy peasy and fun to make.
The recepient of my Marse Derse quilt has requested a black backing...
I cannot do boring;  gotta do fun.

Messed up here with a pinched nerve in my adductor muscle.  PT made me cry again as they manipulated the space to try to stretch out the muscles.  I have not been able to walk without pain all day.  Finally, two Tylenol, three glasses wine, a nap and deep breathing...I feel better...a bit.  A visit from my sister with tons of help, made it better too...TLC
My sister's 37 year old autistic daughter with ovarian cancer is in remission...Thank God!!

Thunder and lightening tonight was bright and loud.  I, however felt safe and cozy in my apartment with my flashlight and my fabric.

Life is indeed crazy.  With all the things in the world to go wrong....a pinched nerve has me down.
Tomorrow, for sure, a better day.

1 comment:

http://thankfullga447 said...

You are always busy and getting things done. I have a pinched nerve since July 3 and always in pain. i thought it was my hip but no, my knee is bad and can't see dr till Sept 26. Knee dr this Tues. Can only take Tylenol and does nothing. You are doing great