Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Thankful Sunday

Nine years after the loss of my love, I found some plaid snippets of his shirts.   My own new potholder, in process...missing my man.

Tonight I made some bags from yesterday's tute....After making the pattern and trying out one, the others go by in a snap.
Last time Emily visited me, we made matching ironing hams...Using the fox ham below, I pressed my bags.

Today started out delightfully....I excercised in our awesome pool for an hour, made my  bed, took a shower and was on my way to lunch when I fell... Jeeze Louize!!!  How and why, I have no clue.  One minute I was happily walking...and using the durn walker, when I found myself on the floor with the walker on top of me.. TBTG I wear that wrist button...and in minutes 3 good looking young men were here to lift up the old lady. They helped me to my chair, put ice on my knees, gave me water....So kind and so safe were they..I gave them all potholders!!!!!
.Big gratitude here...I broke nothing, just some knee bruising.  What I did not like was that they called my daughter in Portland to share the news of my fall...Jeeze I am in an  independent apartment...How insulting to bother my girl.  To save her is why I moved she could have a life of her own without worrying about dear ol' Ma.

A friend brought me lunch. and before I knew it my Lynsey was here for her visit after work. She is such a good girl....not easy, but wonderful none the less. She made cookies tonight.  I sewed and she did TikTok...Great company she is.
Two friends dropped by.and I chatted with my midnight caller..All is well...grateful, very...very grateful.


1 comment:

cityquilter grace said...

nice little potholder filled with mom passed in april and pretty sure i'll still miss her in 9 years...oh and your plaid quilt? soo strikingly gorgeous!