Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Little Sewing, a Little Family

Since I have this leg nerve pain going on, little sewing nor organizing  have been happening at my place.
Friends helped with the goodness below.  Actually, a friend came by to get some fabric from my "fabric store".  She left the shelves better than she found them....Lucky me!
My husband realized how sad I feel when in pain...just like most of us do.......He sent me  this new panel of little treats by Ruby Star Society.

First thing, a potholder for one who loves strawberries and who is an angel taking care of her brother with Parkinsons.
She is such a role model for kindness.  Here at my apartment complex, I see so much generosity of time and love.
Our Guild is having a two part workshop with Maria Schell.   Three hours last Monday night and three hours this upcoming Monday night.  She is in Alaska.  It is very interesting...Of course, Mrs. O'Quilts is not really a rule follower....Maria says solids....I did not listen.
That is OK...What is not OK is that she said choose a color pallet first and then cut ruler-less strips.  I did not listen nor did I pay much attention, thus my strips are not of a color pallet that please me.  Stay tuned...  We have a great Quilting Guild or two in Charlotte.

Family stuff:
Fourteen year old, Dylan bought his own dirt bike with the money he earned working in his step-father's business this summer.
Rightfully, he is so proud.

Meantime, in Oregon, four year old Aoife has fun with her daddy during a river visit.

Up and down family issues, including my own, have kept me from blogging.
I will get a cortizone shot in my hip joint on Wednesday...Scared, but hopeful.
Last night I went to bed at 2:am...Tonight I will try for one..
I do feel the love from family and friends...xo


Linda Swanekamp said...

I think of all the stuff I could do if I was not in pain, and it doesn't really help. I just need to go like crazy when I feel ok. Lately, more muscle/joint pain than normal, so I keep chipping away at little things to set things up when I can go full bore. I even have been buying sale fabric to prep up, hah! Love your potholders and I really like those bins you have with the clear windows.

Mystic Quilter said...

The cortisone shots help Diane - just left a comment but may have closed out before clicking on publish will wait and see.

Mystic Quilter said...

Obviously my first comment went west because I was hurrying. I had said that there quite a number of us in a similar position as yourself, especially after reading the post from Linda. She has hit the nail on the head- prepare when feeling good and energised ready for down times.