Thursday, September 19, 2024

Yesterday's Crazy is Over....So Very Glad

My so far results from our Maria Schell's Zoom workshop.  All are looking at me from my windowshade...some happier than others.

The bottom piece on the above left hand side was so not a pleasant look. 
It was for sure potholder material:
How I made this work..First of all a project done is way better than one in process.  Balance of value, balance of hue; horizontal quilting and a funky backing below...all made it work together...Mrs. O'Quilts is happy now.

Again, this gifted potholder is best once finished..It is for a strawberry lover.

Personal drama now.  Yesterday I had my much feared shot...OMG  What a baby I am!
My sister took me.  Once back there, I asked the nurse to bring a wheelchair in case the doctor did me in.
When he saw the wheelchair, he said it would not do.  He said we would need a stretcher and a white sheet.

I knew then, he was my kind of doctor.  I told him I was terrified.  He told me I had to hold my own hand while the tech put the light directly on the spot.  My leg did a spasm.  
He then told me to hold on, that was only the numbing agent and the shot would be much worse.

Ha Ha, the tech said he was only kidding and I was done and should pull up my pants.  As I left he pulled up my pants the rest of the he said  he did not want me showing my business coming out of his office.
 Time will tell whether or not it worked.
Evidently the injection included Prednisone which I have mild reaction to.  Thus I did not sleep all night;
Even so, I am feeling hopeful and that awful fear has left my brain...
I am graterful....AND so grateful for all the good wishes!!!



Chay said...

Now THAT is excellent bedside manner. Thank goodness for docs with a sense of humor. Glad it's over, on to today!

O'Quilts said...

Dear Chay....Thank you mucho xo