Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Three Stooges saves the day!

Our Guild gets comfort and cuddle quilts mostly for women and girls.  There is a shortage for boys of all ages.  So, when I am making a quilt to give away, I try for the boy thing.  Also, I like to have quilts already made, on hand in case I need a gift.  Since I was working on this already...I was hoping for the boy.  I cut up so much fabric and messed around, ugh, made a mess...trying for the border to tie it all in and make it at least for either sex....and then I saw the half yard of Three Stooges fabric that had been sitting on my shelf awhile.

I had hoped that my Wednesday quilting group would help me baste this, but I had to cancel it again for tomorrow night since I am still not well.  There is progress.  Today I am 5% better than yesterday!!!!  No whining I said!  Plus, the Three Stooges makes me smile:)

I want to put this fabric on the back.  I should not have to worry whether or not it is "boy" enough..but I want whoever to like it....hmmm....Maybe it is bed time.

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