Our Dear Dylan is 7, in second grade.
Dylan sat with me and stitched 15 lid openers over a period of days
He is so proud that he did this himself for his presents.
Can you believe tonight I just checked the Susan Branch Blog to find that she did this!!!!

Can you believe tonight I just checked the Susan Branch Blog to find that she did this!!!!

He is gone every weekend to either his mother's house or to be with his cousins.
So, tonight I stamped and pasted and tied...his presents for him.
Does this take away from Dylan doing it "all himself"?
I think I made the right decision.
He is a boy who seldom sits still.
I am afraid that if I make him do it all, he will burn out on sewing.
Now he can just choose the recipients and do the delivery...
Lynsey is 8.and in 3rd grade. She worked with her aunt writing a project on cats.
For her poster, she asked for some of my cat fabrics.
She cut them out and pinned them on a small design wall to take to school.
She would not let me help her at all.
This girl has a mind of her own...she has a story in her head for each fabric cat.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall for this delivery!!
But, the independent Miss...would never, ever let me...
Back to my adorable Swedish canisters...Love!!!
Today was the day I went to my grief therapist even though I felt good.
Of course after, I felt even better.
Today was the day I got a call from the school that Lynsey needed Urgent care...
and a strep test....OMG...She was put on meds and the poor darling
has to miss the Girls on the Run finale..
A run tomorrow in the rain with 4000 other girls.
Her poor sick eyes teared up at that news.
She was so disappointed.
Tonight I am watching Hallmark Christmas movies while I sew,
And, I am not crying...Wahoo....
It is midnight and I am not morose...OMG
I think there might be hope...HOPE...just maybe...
It started with BarBara's birthday present...
A huge box of candy...ha ha. ha
I felt loved.
My daughter is coming in 7 days. I cannot wait.
Emily coming is the best birthday present I could ever want!!
So, as for the much feared birthday...I have had a long awaited epiphany...
Instead of being hysterical that I am turning 70...I am remembering my mother's wise words..
I am being grateful that I have lasted this long...How about that??!!!!
I am also drinking red wine.
I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to stay up late and sleep in in the morning.
Weekend joy...just for me.
Dylan did a brilliant job making the jar openers. Lynsey's cats show the extra effort she has gone to. Shame she won't be able to do her run, hope she gets to do something else fun. I love watching old Christmas films whilst sewing. Wine, chocolate and sewing I think you have all the bases covered.
A perfect moment to cherish for sure! I have a book to record perfect moments to take out and remember later when I need them the most. This is definitely a saver :) I will enjoy with you vicariously! and drink my own beverage, stoke my fire and zoom my fabric through the machine!!!
Happy birthday month and enjoy your anticipations as well!
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