Finally my zigzag is done.
Thank you Cultural Fusions
Hate that it took 3 years...
I do love it.
Twenty years ago when my father had his fourth open heart surgery,
we waited forever for him to get well. Instead, he died.
My mother gave my sister and me $200 each to go to fabric stores
as a break from the sad and grueling hospital stays.
My mother was so wise.
I bought this piece then..and it is a gift to remember.
Perfect for the back of my zigzag quilt
Here: our second quilt for Hospice.
from our new widow quilters...Friends in Stitches!
I am not used to pale...quite pale.

Another in process:.
Other members have more at home to work on.
Quilting friends are the best kind!!
Guess who is coming to Charlotte in March?
To our Charlotte Modern Quilt Guild
Thank you Cultural Fusions
Hate that it took 3 years...
I do love it.
we waited forever for him to get well. Instead, he died.
My mother gave my sister and me $200 each to go to fabric stores
as a break from the sad and grueling hospital stays.
My mother was so wise.
I bought this piece then..and it is a gift to remember.
Perfect for the back of my zigzag quilt
Here: our second quilt for Hospice.
from our new widow quilters...Friends in Stitches!
Another in process:.
Other members have more at home to work on.
Quilting friends are the best kind!!
Guess who is coming to Charlotte in March?
To our Charlotte Modern Quilt Guild
Sherry Lynn Wood
and more
Sherry Lynn Wood
So excited!!
More death came today as my mother's best friend died
Her wisdom gave me great comfort.
I thought she would live forever.
The tears now, come again for my mother and her friend, Thelma.
My librarian has gone on a three week vacation to Europe.
I tried to get a book or two from the library today, but
my knee hurt and I had to come home with no book.
I have lost my quilty focus
I was so tempted to buy a few treats on Hancock of Paducah.
to cheer me up...Instead..
I ate frosting off the cake...Jeeze Louize
Some people never grow up!!!
and more
Sherry Lynn Wood
So excited!!
More death came today as my mother's best friend died
Her wisdom gave me great comfort.
I thought she would live forever.
The tears now, come again for my mother and her friend, Thelma.
My librarian has gone on a three week vacation to Europe.
I tried to get a book or two from the library today, but
my knee hurt and I had to come home with no book.
I have lost my quilty focus
I was so tempted to buy a few treats on Hancock of Paducah.
to cheer me up...Instead..
I ate frosting off the cake...Jeeze Louize
Some people never grow up!!!
Reading your blog takes me FOREVER sometimes! I have to click on every link because I don't want to miss anything! Thank you for sharing. Sherry Lynn Wood is a remarkable artist. Your ZigZag is perfect! Thank you for sharing all of this with us. God bless...
It's so much fun to watch your new quilty friends reveal themselves in fabric ~ ~ I can see someone else's taste and personality in that pale quilt ~ ~ I always enjoy the elegance of the "low volume" quilts, but can't seem to ever make those choices on my own quilts!!
You will have so much fun with Sherry Lynn Wood ~ ~ what a fun adventure to anticipate. When is she coming?
And I am sorry for your loss of Wanda ~ ~ I know she blessed you many times.
Hugs for today ~ ~
Frosting on the cake -- sometimes we just NEED to eat that sweetness. Hugs to you . . .
Beautiful zigzag quilt! I'm working on one from that book now, and my friends from that class are going onto the peppermint (twist, maybe?) from that book. This is happening at my "local" quilt shop (in Bartlett, TN..about two hours away). I'll rejoin them in a class after cotton harvest!! And I love that backing! What a sweet memory!
I also love the quilts your new widow group are creating. Sometimes working with others you go places you wouldn't go alone. Good for all of us to stretch outside of our comfort zone from time to time! Keep it up!
And I'm sorry for your loss of another friend. Prayers and hugs!
This may seem weird, but our friend "Quiltdivajulie" is my teacher I spoke of. Also, she is sharing some low volume scraps with me so I can explore that side of quilting. What a coincidence that she replied to your post just before I did! ❤️ The quilt world connections!
Wow - what a great colorful quilt. I hope Sujata sees it! wonderful
That Cultural Fusion quilt looks so good as a zig zag. I've made one in a different setting. Still have to finish mine.
Oh Diane - what a beautiful quilt!!! I love all that colour and of course the pattern from Sujata is superb. You chose well and yes what a very wise mother. You have created a wonderful memory.
Your quilty focus will re-appear very soon I'm sure and we all need a little frosting sometimes!
It may have taken 3 years but you have ended up with a great quilt. Frosting sounds good but I hope you regain your quilting focus again too.
Dear Diane,
I sure hope that frosting helped. It does to me and I hope you get your quilty focus back. You make such beauties! I can't help but keep staring at this quilt! A stunning quilt but I love that it has a backing with history behind it. I am finally glad that I am bale to comment again. All I needed was some free time and focus on fixing that issue.
Love, Sujata
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