Monday, October 2, 2023

Crazy Blue, Red too....

Today I used Little Red for a binding, just to see if she could do it.  She did, but of course not as well as my big Janome 8900.  Good things here are the needle old eyes need that so much. Unfortunately, the store where I purchased the machine sold me the wrong walking foot!  Better that four of my five Janomes use the same foot.  I just took one from another machine for now.
Great to see a lovely wiggle stitch.  Once I go thru the now found, manual....I should eventually figure out how to elongate it.
Today's energy was zapped by a painful PT session this morning. Yesterday I felt on top of the moon, today, discouraged...
Crazy...same me, different perspective..
Oh, well...spent an hour in the sewing group and tomorrow a brand new day.

Here is the baby blue all scrap quilt I bound today.  Just needs snipping.

The dark side of my 11 pound Little Red is that she sounds like a freight train.
God help me!!  But, I do not think that is a game changer, just annoying.

Also annoyed with my reaction to PT.  I could not do the stand on one foot.  And, I could not do the lie on my back with a ball between my  knees, lift it all up and throw it backwards...Tonight as I lick my wounds of disappointment, I ask myself if I really care about those two things.????
I wore my flamingo shoes just to make a point.
Every day life tells me that I am no longer 25...every single day.
I am so grateful to be here in my little sewing apartment.

My cleaning lady came today.  She has only been gone 5 hours and I have messed it  up already.
Sigh, it is worth it just to have clean sheets on my bed as well as the rest.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I think you just need to try those things in PT and eventually one day you will be loosened up enough to actually do them. I can walk around and garden etc. but I doubt I would be able to do the things they want you to do in PT. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to move like we did at 25, 35, and even 55?