Evan and Grandma hanging out over the sewing machine...
How nice is this??
Just so you do not think I am a quilting slacker...Voila...The first cuddle, baby quilt flimsy made from the jelly roll top created at the nursing home..
Today was the day....ripped out of my black hole by an invitation to lunch...Yummy Mexican..Since I was raised up in Arizona...just gotta love that Mexican food.
1900 Mexican Grill...on Park Rd..in Charlotte, NC
I was feeling so cocky with my new knee and no cane...that I took it further...
Yup. I went to the Sleepy Poet Antique Mall...I walked the entire thing for the first time in 5 years.
Not even tired...I did notice, however, that something felt like it ripped in my knee when I bent it a bit...
It was sore...I iced it, once home....actually, it is still sore...
.OMG How could I rip my perfect new knee...???
How can that happen after 5 weeks???????
Should I freak out??? After all....that is my style...lol
I am freaking out!!!
I bought a gift for a friend.
I found a piece of vintage fabric...4 yards for $6.50...
35 inches wide..now that is vintage for sure...
And I bought two necklaces.
They are not vintage...but since this is the first time in over 3 years that I actually am starting to care about how I look...I felt that was success.
A good day..now freaking out more about my knee...

It's so great to hear about all of your pain-free walking! Not so great to be afraid you tore something (most likely you overdid it a bit and it will be fine again very soon ~ ~ maybe even today???) But the grief map takes the cake ~ ~ hmmm looks a little too familiar to some of the lives I have led!!! Keep quilting, keep writing, and keep icing :) hugs
Hope your knee is feeling better today! Love the picture of you and Evan at the sewing machine.
I hope the knee issue has resolved itself. Take care!
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