Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Grandma O'Quilts is so Very Grateful

 Me thinks that my arthritis is getting worse and my physical health is declining..
Today, I was so cheered by friends.  Linda and Sherry orgainized my space, found my lost objects, fixed the so far unfixable, made me laugh and spoke quilting speak with me..They helped me choose joy today.  I am forever grateful.

Below is my latest experiment in rope composition...a trivet.  My in-house quilting group wants me to teach a rope bowl class.  I am starting to make some examples....
The in-house quilting group is doing a donation of flannel burp cloths to the local shelter..
That day, I sat by the trash can...Each time a member came with fabric to discard...I intervened....What are you throwing away????
Taking the usable scraps, I made this jelly roll quilt for a donation...  Fun and funky.  I cannot wait to share in the next meeting this example of what a person can do with scraps.

Unfortunately my ego got in the way while quilting this quilt.  My Janome Little Red does not have the functions that my Janome 8900 has.. Without putting the pressure foot down all the way, I was able to get a lovely wiggle stitch.  So proud of self, until I was told that without the pressure foot being all the way donw, the quilting would not take; all the stitches were too loose to stay...Just UGH..
Finally, stubborn me let Sherry remove said stitches...and I redid it tonight on my bigger machine.  Almost finished, this cuddle quilt is soft and funky and cuddly.

A tiny nap after my friends left, then out on my patio reading Anne Lamott's latest book.
It was warm and breezy outside.  The book was comforting and I felt a glow of friendship which sustained me.
Gratitude and joy...peace and comfort...Lucky , lucky me.

A nice chat with my late night friend was all I needed to end my day in peace.

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