Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 A lovely quilty day today.   Grateful today for honest friends who are free to share their angst as well as their joy.

Sharing quilty  things with quilty people...there is nothing better!!
Cassandra from has this chicken pattern...It is a bit task heavy as there is tracing and ironing and cutting and stitching; however, I think it is quite cute.  I found these tonight only because my Lynsey straightened my apartment before she went home..
My family in Portland is excited to be getting chickens...I think Portland allows 4 or  5 chickens...We will see.
Stay tuned....

Tonight while Podcasting, I sewed together half of these blocks...Still think they are a bit busy...but I am carrying on..

I am so invigorated by friendships and quilty talks....Thank you Kathy for sharing your thoughts on sleep deprivation
In  July. I will have a sleep well as more skin cancer removal...That's OK...If sleep will help, I can find hope again.
Missing Marie and Sherry as they travel...Grateful for friends,,playing,cards, my awesome apartment...;My dear granddaughter and all her skills, and hugs from  my smart and kind DIL
 Lynsey spent 3 days with me...working on finals for her home schooling...Then she will be a 10th grader...Wow...

On a podcast tonight, I heard"  Get out of your head and into your hands..".
Makers are so much more relaxed!!!

1 comment:

Linda Swanekamp said...

Thanks for the good thoughts. Someone told me a corny saying, "Gratitude is the attitude that determines your altitude." I had a sleep study over a month ago and have not received any results. It was a very unpleasant experience at the place where I was sent. I live in NY and the company was from Texas.