Sunday, January 26, 2020

That Old Circle Goes Round and Round

The hopeful ones:  Boo and Stitch
Knowing that life hangs on a slender thread, I too, am hopeful.
I seized the day and put this round bottom in my bag.  I have been
avoiding this forever.  A few puckers, but not too bad.
Emboldened by this success, I decided to whip this bag up for a finish.
I found the lining....Alas, I cannot find the lining bottom....hmmm...and I had
readied a fob for the inside...lost...Really.?????..round and round I go.
Instead, I found this squirrel of my mother's and an odd doll shoe.
I did the entire project having lost my clips...Oh, yesterday I relocated them..
Here, in plain sight, are two bowls of clips beside my extra thread.
Please to my quilty friends, If I complain about lost clips...remind me..
My grandmother knew me well.  She embroidered this for me.
I was looking all over for this so I could post it.....
I found it on the wall HERE:

Once again, Thank you to my grandmother....She had been through hard times in her almost 100 years.  When I was living in New York City, working with the airlines and traveling the world...She would say to me...Be careful of your may have it now, but tomorrow is another day.
Here I am , thinking of her and grateful for what she taught me.. She was a great cook, making a tasty something out of seemingly nothing. Quite the prudent one.

My son and I are sharing one car until he can find an affordable one for himself...This Sunday morning, I went to Aldi for food, as he slept, Every moment of everyday, I am grateful that I can walk without pain. However, I must look quite ancient and feeble, since others seem to rush to help me.
Today, at the store, an older lady picked up something I had dropped...and once I was at my car, she insisted on loading my car for me...and she did!!  She said, Just like I do for my mother....Wow..

Once home, the "grandma" thing kicked in...For $6, I had bought a whole chicken; for $7, a package of ground beef...The chicken went into the pot for boiling; the ground beef went into the frying pan for saute.  In an hour and a half, I had 6 packages of ground beef ready for the freezer.  I had 6 packages of shredded chicken ready too.   This way, I can grab and add to veggies, pasta, soup...whatever...for the dinners for the now, family of 5 people I am caring for.

There is a certain satisfaction teaching these things to the children...knowing that  no matter what, they will be able to be self-sufficient.  Me thinks Mr O'Quilts would be proud of me...
I have had this magazine picture since college.
Using vinyl for the pocket and old porch screen for the bag..I use it often, thinking of
MY grandmother...the other day, Lynsey said..
There you are Grandma!!!!!
So there we are...
I am now going to work with rope to forget what I have forgotten


Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

I love reading your messages and how you weave things of the past with events of the present. Glad you found your clips.

Life seems full even though you have memories of those you have loved and gone on! Keep seizing the day!!

Sharon said...

I too often lose things and then find them, being so obvious and yet I'm blind to them. I often lose my mind too! And sometimes my temper, sadly.

Yes, I often think of my mother's thriftiness and then try to implement it around here. There are three of us, and not so much money now. My husband and I were both raised by thrifty parents and we haven't forgotten how to do it. And now I'm old enough that I remind myself of my mother! Which is kind of weird!

Hang in there! Every day is a blessing and so is being able to walk!

Mary Marcotte said...

Oh, I so understand the losing things. I put things away, specifically thinking how much it makes sense to put it HERE. Then I need it. Hmm, where was HERE? Of course, as soon as I give up and replace it or make do without, I find it. And it made so much sense!

I'm sorry that things are tough. It's been difficult around here, too. All we can do is hold on and pray. Well, that's my way of handling difficulties anyway. Hugs from me.